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Everything posted by Kevv

  1. Talking poo has developed the ability to cry haha
  2. mfw when his lease is up and he has to pay for an out of date mum car that’s nowhere near the value it was released at hahaha
  3. ye bro 30v30 it fo pull 90 to preps gotta sit 60! pea brain
  4. ur walking around uni, still a lonely virg building up debt and worst of all dressed something similar to this https://i.imgur.com/orRIKbR.jpg
  5. wow ur leasing a golf??? Ur so rich haha remember and tell the interviewer that the 2 year gap in your job history is because you were busy playing a video game (10k in 2 years LmFAO)
  6. Prob eom they are constantly trying to deal with internal problems from ranks/members/legends leaking and rage quitting every month
  7. When eop lost 27 preps in a row and couldn’t pull over 40 for 2 Years
  8. He’s trying to act like he wants to play the game but likely contact him and the conditions will be 50 min and no f2p without p2p
  9. idk why ur trolling about this when @@BvG started the def movement in his past 3 clans in the scenes he was in
  10. cd members don’t play the game either, they do nothing all week until Saturday where they grief real pure clans by ragging Them on mains. Your ranks have realised they and their member base sucks so instead of trying to have good events they dedicate their Saturday nights attempting to ruin other clans hahah
  11. â€we†are u the brains or the brawn in the group that made up this super cool term on a medieval role playing game lmao
  12. u just called yourself cool because of a term you ‘made up’ on a fan forum for a 12 year old medieval role play video game hahahahhhahaha
  13. oh look it’s an actual talking poo lol
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