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Everything posted by Art_Vandelay

  1. lmao a savings account with interest for sharkpoints
  2. I dont even XLPC clan but bro 480p video with black bars in 2K18?
  3. They removed it because it was too OP.
  4. whats a runite clan, is there a rune/zerker scene popping up?
  5. LOL Misfits crying about being down opts when they always log out and lie about opts when setting up pkris.
  6. damn misfits in a slump :/ best of luck recruiting and coming out of it
  7. as if Jagex gonna take suggestions from this shit site and pures lol
  8. ^ this lol some of SF in EoP and some in Apex and some in IR Control happens to be in IR
  9. lol u got cleared and your members were sitting in the bank crying instead of returning
  10. Nah it does if all the BGS/maces arent coordinate at the same exact time on the first d spear, the victim can counter being smited by using a necklace of faith. It's no longer guaranteed smites for clans with this update and regular damage not stalling. I think it's a welcomed change, only clans with perfect coordination deserve the +1
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