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Everything posted by Warbow

  1. Rampiss Ryan just got you @@ShootMyFruit
  2. Welcome to the xlpc scene! Hope you enjoy the stay. I enjoy the action you have helped create
  3. Imagine being hated by every single clan in the xlpc scene. Coming into a scene you have already been closed in 3x. Learn your lesson and stop piping up so early. @orginalz @
  4. Lmfao. BV deep dicked by the #2 xlpc. Imagine if it was against the #1 lmfaooaoa. Gz rampiss
  5. I'll give you 500m if you close us before or on august 12th. You give me 1m if we last longer. How can you reject 500:1 odds. @ accept?
  6. Best I have heard was prolly @@Stewbert in a mini. Worst I have ever heard was prolly tannie
  7. Gz sharkbrew. Demote singles
  8. Lmfaooaoa papal @@Fudog smoke loooooool! Gz ascent gz litmob
  9. I think if I went on a rampiss trip, it would be the worst
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