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Everything posted by Warbow

  1. Wtf are you saying ryan? You should be happy as hell that you just beat #1 xlpc in a prep bruhhhh. Gz again. See ya tomorrow
  2. Ok sounds good. I hated the fact that you starved us of clan wars, but it seemed to have payed off. Your 13 man inners did something lol. Gl with tomorrow
  3. Not an excuse. It was for the record. I won't be online tomorrow either, but are we still prepping 5 est? I'm not made of excuse, we took the L in clan wars to rampiss. I never thought I would say that tho
  4. Gz rampiss. For the record, warbow @ and @@Stewbert were not online during this prep. But hopefully we can continue with the good action. Good win
  5. Quality banter! Gz your guys. L0l
  6. Nice name change for a 10v10 tourney. Roflcopter. Grats sup.
  7. Warbow

    GFx buying

    Aren't you leader of Phoenix?
  8. LAme. Imagine if the government made us eat certain foods. Let's them prep who they want
  9. Syracuse told me we are better than h8, and that is why they won't prep us. Respect for bt to prepping, at least y'all want fun clanning. Ty 4 action
  10. Gl. Xlpc scene is ass, hopefully you give ob some real quality competition
  11. You have 0 great banters. No one knows who you are. You are a random in some garbage clan. Please stop quoting fudog and i. You will never be relevant in a 2007 game. Go get a life, bc no one in this game likes you. And fh and Litmob have other been open for 2+ years and are still going strong. Don't compare us to a brown sticky stuffty clan that opened and closed in 3 months you Autistic broccoli @@Fudog
  12. Xlpc is a def scene right now. Bt h8 and rampiss all team against outburst. So it is currently a 2 team scene
  13. Y'all got cleared by Litmob lmfao. 1 rampiss member banged in .5 seconds. Cmon man? 4 55s banging out rampiss. Get a grip on your clan pls. Litmob wins again
  14. "Outburst rs" cc for both accounts. Currently #1 xlpc
  15. Jagex just announce rs will be on your phones this winter. Thoughts?
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