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Everything posted by arf

  1. Could have written something better than that with a hijacked shark brew account
  2. TL;DR Zenith in Apex capes LOL
  3. arf


    Great group of men, best of luck!
  4. All I see is the same angry 10 Apex members who would thrive in a real clan but are stuck in a clan wars team. I would probably have plenty of pent up anger if I knew my clan was never capable of anything relevant in the wilderness. I remember Apex pathetically sniping clusters with 30 people years ago, fast forward to present day and it's the same old shit. How genuinely boring.
  5. Nothing better than a clan who takes things out of game getting beaten down in game. Just close already stop dragging this out for your poor members Zenith
  6. Topic up 13 hours, 0 Zenith replies Says enough
  7. Hello there [Rev Applicant] Bles how goes it sir
  8. Zenith won't show up - Haha you got owned!! Baited haha!! ..and if they do Fatality will smoke them Either way Fatality wins this one, early Congratulations
  9. Zenith thinking Fatality would bring other clans into a full out has to be the least believable thing I've read on these forums all year
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