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Ace Krave

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Status Updates posted by Ace Krave

  1. everyone is asking for the xlpc king to return

  2. I would say unbreakable is the best clan atm

  3. daily reminder any clan that is open 2k17 and pulls 60+ is not dogbrown sticky stuff.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JoJo


      help i got alzheimer's btw

    3. Cody9204


      what about if you start trip with 155 and drop to 55 after 3hrs

    4. ferocious


      that was their opening trip lmfao, they got slaughtered on their opening trip, it's alll downhill from here haHAA

  4. u usain bolts r weak

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Juicy


      @Ace Krave

      i closed again one of your clans

      closed surge in 2weeks hehe

    3. Juicy


      @Hick why u flame when all your clans closed tho in less then 2 months lmao

    4. Juicy


      lmfao hick bullied trhat hard that he deleted his acc l0l0l0ol

  5. I'm opening up a clan irl, our goal is to eliminate arabs/sand monkeys/goons/ghetto spastics/kurds

    1. موني


      Arabs always win there's no eliminating us

    2. Leech


      Probably close within a week like everthing else you open.

  6. Smh supremacy u dont even do events and u think ur in a rivalry l0l

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ☠ Supremacist ϟ

      ☠ Supremacist ϟ

      dude rlly thinks its cool to be a stinky emo in 2k17

    3. Remy


      i killed the gmt

    4. roflcats


      we win multiple preps every week, meanwhile your quality is trash and we just view you as free loot lmao

  7. brown sticky stuffpremacy bring mains and still loose l0l

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Jimi


      never been in supremacy lmfao :] took my boys from sup and now they thanking me because sup is disgusting main clan and they pull 20 hahahaah

    3. Hebi


      mfw @Ace Krave starts piping up. bundle of twigsgot cries when we have matched opts and claims we're bringing mains LOL


      Stay mad, cleared x2 btw

    4. Hebi


      btw @Ace Krave do you count us standing around the battlefield after clearing your sorry ass, looting your peasant members death piles as "loosing"? If so you need to be educated.

  8. so fi just lost 2ranks rip l0l

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tyga


      Why do you gossip like a bitch lmao?

    3. Lumpeh


      Tilted by juicy lmfao

    4. jay.


      lol who tf is this broccoli. Thank god i didn't make an xlpc with him jesus christ.

  9. gl to that new rope clan opening maybe hangaman will close it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tzu


      leaked image on how they got the name http://i.imgur.com/DhWtK7T.png

    3. Jimi



    4. Mini Unit

      Mini Unit

      gl to anarchy hopefully we can get some clean ez action

  10. Ohh Devon just another lost soul waiting to be mine

  11. Selling Fi locs

    1. debb
    2. Juicy


      he mad i closed anarchy hehe

  12. Looking for a 100 vs 100 fullout

    1. Juicy


      you not even got 20 in ts

    2. موني


      Hmu on IRC if u want one vs Sharkbrew Community

    3. Juicy


      17:40:34> "Ace Krave" disconnected (leaving)

      bullied ezz

  13. Redemption closed shame it didnt work out for ya.

  14. dmk closed into apex

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ace Krave

      Ace Krave

      ac closed dmk confirmed

    3. Juicy


      @Hick how does it feel that i closed both your clans? lol

    4. Ace Krave
  15. yo pop u better recruit looks like u lost half ur clan

    1. Bradyb


      another ace krave clan, who knows maybe the 100th times the charm

    2. Energy


      looks like ur a mute

  16. any clans thinking of doing irl meetup can i come?

    1. Kenan


      Yeah bro join rockman wadda picks us up in his spaceship each weekend an we have LAN party's in space

    2. Purley


      last rockman trip kenan stole my kfc and left me in africa

    3. Ramie


      last rockman trip Kenan died 5times to my fire bolt hehe

  17. any clan open 21k7 is good.

    1. Akah


      thought u were opening something with nova

    2. Ace Krave

      Ace Krave

      i opened it alone pull 30 daily ez life

    3. Ace Krave
  18. What the fuck doom

  19. I can confirm, BradyB just begged xLPC devour to attend doom trips l0l

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Cody9204


      @Ace Krave get active if u wanna join fs nigga

    3. Ace Krave

      Ace Krave

      @Deviants im on 10hrs a day lmfao

    4. Cody9204


      i dont see you at any events

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