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Everything posted by Briand

  1. what kind of pure build is this?
  2. exactly mr guy who got smited for his elysian shield, id rather not visit external clan sites!
  3. ok, just googled your clan and it turns out it's the rune pure/tank scene you're talking about lol. i probably wouldnt bother either if the entire scene consisted of 3 clans that pulled 15 people each. must be fun handicapping yourselves just so u could claim ur #1 in the scene that consists of 40 people lmfao. your scene died with closures of valhalla and higher force. btw, every clan who said rot will die, ended up being bodybagged themselves by rot. you better hope history doesn't repeat with your clan as well lol
  4. both sides of the cluster were just barraging each other in d hides suiciding to each other no one won lol, and if you had to pick the winner, rot were once again the last clan standing. something to do with rev/af members leaving early and not enjoying those trips i guess also, lol at trying to make us believe you won when you can't even do something as simple as post a fucking picture
  5. no idea what an av is either try again private server pker
  6. no1 reads these propaganda threads other than your own alliance freaks lol im just here to raise your blood pressure
  7. lmfao bro your blood must be boiling at this point
  8. i'd have something to say to you as well but you win by being a no namer and being in a pvm (?) clan. literally no idea what a vengeance is, unless you're the same clan that opened after eh closed
  9. How are you gonna say all they do is 1 item and then contradict yourself a second later by posting kill pics of them in gear? If you're winning all the time and they hate suiciding, why leave? Them making their members suicide for hours would be pretty damaging to their morale, no? I actually went on their boards to see for myself and in most of their pictures the minimap has a lot of purple dots (literally first picture i picked from their topic that shows the actual cluster) So: 1. You're lying 2. Your clan logs out before your pull goes to half which means either: a) your clan members are not loyal and would leave the second it gets tough <- in my clanning days it was an embarrassing trait to have, something that plagued VR and made them lose most of unplanned fights b) your members are not enjoying the events and can't wait to leave the fight <- something old AF had, the one that closed, after one of your leaders (Kyle) got cucked by a girl named Morgan with leader of another Runescape clan after which he became crazy and stalked her for months I have no problem if you think I'm a crybaby, I just enjoy contradicting your propaganda. I used to do that on RSC as well, but then I was getting quoted by most of your senior membership, not 2 victims who barely made it out of their FA period and have signatures of fights that they have no idea they even happened
  10. depends on what you mean with running away. if they logged from the world (doubt) then yes, they lost, if they ran a minimap in any direction towards another location then no, that doesn't mean they lost. nice sig dude, i bet you don't even know when that 32h fight happened and how it did LOL
  11. Veterans/retireds attending events is somehow bad? Did you start clanning in 2020? If your quality is so good, why was the minimap looking like that towards the end of the fight? By the looks of it, you've never won a single fight against them and all you do is pat yourselves on the back because you managed to dominate them for a small period of time, before leaving, thinking you've won. And don't try to tell me that's enough for a win because it isn't. Winner in unplanned fights has always been the one who is the last clan standing and that's how it has been since return fights started towards end of 2006. I've seen topics/vids from both sides and the only clan with ending pictures in the fight world/place has been RoT. Where are yours? Speaking of those smited +1's, let's see pictures of them. You must have 10+ pictures, right?
  12. af (and rev because you can literally see a purple dot spamming rev in the video lol) still milking the 1 or 2 barrage piles they had in an entire fight when the minimap before they ran south like a bunch of rabid dogs looked like this: looks like nothing has changed since 2015 and they are still using the same tactics that buried them 6 feet under
  13. yeah, im sure they did. i hate it to break for you but no one gives a fuck about your clan and isnt scared from you at all. if you think otherwise, you're deluded.
  14. typing a wall of text wont change the fact that ur clan closed because ur leader got cucked by a e-slut but i guess a 2k20 recruit like yourself doesnt know that because he is trying to bury it behind his fake tough guy persona LOL
  15. reality check fella - rot doesnt give a fuck if you're in that alliance or not considering all you do is shoot ballistas in rev caves and occasionaly join that merged cc to get stomped with rest of the trash alliance if rot wanted you off, they would have accepted one of those truces true 2k8 begged for before he was unfairly removed from the clan by that homosexual nonce
  16. yeah, they looked at the state of df and thought fuck it, we don't want to fall into irrelevancy like they did
  17. looks like you're out of words to say if you start to point at my 2 ex clans (who were both better than jaja if you didnt know btw) also those were actual clans, not a 15 man group of freaks who rag revenant caves for pvmers and run from competition
  18. used to play cs:go and fifa but not competitive. just for fun.
  19. oh wow, 5 sv and another 3 ct spaming who were probably there to hit rev. you claim to be ''killing'' them yet you are scared shitless when a clan you're in crash war with shows up with 5 people. you're nothing but a bunch of pussies lol. check minimap? its all white, just shows that your shit were pushed in by rot speaking of sucking some1's cock - i find it funny that jaja is sucking rev's cock considering y'all were in a crash war before rot victimized y'all and you both became best buddies almost immediately. not that you would know considering you were picked off the pc boat few months ago. keep posting propaganda threads for pures though, everyone else knows your clan is nothing but a rag ballista team full of 1 hits
  20. if this is the best ''banter'' sharkbrew has to offer then just yikes lol
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