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Everything posted by Zalmon

  1. Zalmon


    People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
  2. Addy Plate as a +1 god bless thats depressing right there
  3. Zalmon


    Fi doxing again, nothing new here. Forever playing the victim card.
  4. Another Jamz story. I dont think anyone actually reads this, even his own members
  5. Fi so shook they won't let all their members fight? You pulled 115 to the weekend but unable to get 50 to the prep. Funny
  6. I thought they accepted 50v50, talked all that smack and couldn't even pull. Awks. They pulled 115 on the weekend, wonder why they wouldn't let all their members fight....
  7. Jamz is an emotional attention seeker. He always has a big pointless topic to write whether it be on SB or his own forums. Just so he gets attention and remains relevant. Its the reason he clan hops so much and writes so much trash, he wants people to talk about him. The fact he has posted 2 topics since this one just proves this
  8. Looks like your break from public eye is going well lmao. You didn't even last 24 hours
  9. Imagine doxing flower then crying when things go south. Idiots
  10. Big oof on their part. Not sure why LY is claiming to do something Rev did though Will be interesting to see how they take this though.
  11. Remember when Fi were chatting shit to LY about the exact same thing...... Funny how life works out. Not suprised to see Jamz having yet another emotional breakdown in my absence. Overrated rank with breaker mentality.
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