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  1. We approached OUTRAGE for a 30 versus 30 First to 50 Free To Play just after our 3-0 versus Fatality in the same server. Victory took place after the 2-0 with the first round winning with +15 kills and the second round winning with +5! Massed up 32 strong bears to get in the portal, ready to rock, ready to own and just so we did! Thanks to outrage for the action and this event! Looking forward for future preps and events! Spiral Exzrts Broxx K0nt Codi Rage starting: 30 Rage Kills: 50 Outrage starting: 30 Outrage Kills: 37 Rage starting: 30 Rage Kills: 50 Outrage starting: 30 Outrage Kills: 46
  2. Massed up 25 Bears for a P2P Prep with Resistance, and took a clean 3-0. GF bankers, brokers, lawyers, etc. Broxx pov Kont pov
  3. clan-rage.com | Discord: kKdeJhY | Rage.ts3chat.com | ''Clan Rage'' cc CD approached us for a 30v30 First to 100 in clan wars, eager to test out snare we gladly accepted and massed up 30 Bears. The meta of the fight was a little bit different, it turned in to a more of box fight the the 10 second snares and we were able to come away with a comfortable win. Thanks for the fight CD, look forward to more @K0nt @Broxx
  4. Noticed a few people were piping up in our wild, so we went out with 5 shooters later peaking at 18. Started off the trip by clearing some randys that piped up at bandits for some decent loot. Proceeded to scout the wild and clearing every single randy/ragger we found. Got intel that legacy bitch clan "crazy pkers" were at high altar, we fought them down opts and out leveled and later massed up 18 people and cleared them out of our wild. Know your place fucking faggots . Tired of sitting in singles all trip? Join CD to dominate shit clans. Discord: https://discord.gg/fv6AJ22 Click "Next page" For pics
  5. Forums | Recent Events | Youtube Monday, September 30th, 2019; Outrage massed up for our event, peaking at around 27 members. We started off with 26 initially and then dropped 3 within the first few minutes which meant we were warring down 5-6 70% of the fight, it was un uphill battle that Rage were clearly dominating, during the last 15 minutes of the fight we gained 4 to put us at 27, where we were pretty much close to matched which helped us end up dominating the remainder, thanks for the fight Rage, was fun as fuck, hope to do this more.
  6. Set up a 30 minute cap with Nothing Left for this Sunday, we met up at dwarfs and the battle began. Controlled the entire fight from the start with strong KO power and strong magicians catching them in multiple clumps they decided to end at the 25 minute mark. Thanks for the battle pals. Pictures
  7. clan-rage.com | Discord : kKdeJhY | ts.clan-rage.com | "Clan Rage" cc On this glorious Saturday the mighty bears of Rage gathered together 70 beasts all eager to maul our pathetic foes to death. We knew well in advance that the pure communities biggest rejects would be out in full force this weekend, all multi-logged on their stinky main accounts. We prepared our hardened warriors appropriately and fought against their cancer uncontested all trip long; bullying supremacy and their allies to singles multiple times throughout the trip. Aside from obliterating the cancer we also fought FOE in multiple clean, high quality, high opt 1vs1 battles. Thanks for the clean action, pure clans win the day. @Broxx @Estranger @Bluewatch @Logic Ownage Pictures Below:
  8. On this fine September 29th 2019 day we massed up 55 Green Warriors and peaked at 60 Pure Elites for our Sunday trip.  We logged in west of Final Ownage Elites at bandits, We rushed east and completely steamrolled through them. Massive clumps and mage experience . We continued to push through and within a couple minutes, FOE was cleared. Apex was cleared and Fatality was the last clan standing. We ran into Final Ownage Elites at boneyard and we completely steamrolled them again, We ran in with our massive green pythons. Rage decided to crash and we quickly shut them down and continued clearing FOE, Once FOE was cleared we quickly teleported to edge and rebanked. We rolled up on Legacy at bandits and quickly started to barrage them from the west, We caught them in sick clumps and kept pushing them east. Once Legacy was cleared we started fighting Apex. We continued on Apex and pulled some 100 iq positioning. We positioned ourselves on west of bandits and caught them in several clumps. Rage decided to crash and we teleported out. We started fighting Apex at varrock level 7, We stood our ground and started taking a number advantage we moved the fight at Chaos Altar where we ran into BP and quickly cleared them up. We moved to Chaos Altar, Legacy and Apex both came back to fight, We started smoking Legacy and sending them north. Once they were almost cleared we went into corp cave and gwas'd their regroup. Absolutely smoked. We ended our trip after that. @Tyendinaga @Jackal 
  9. As we approached day 2 of Rage's sign-ups, we answered them with 75 golden tigers, ready to take them on down 10. Despite being down numbers, we still managed to shit on them in the only clean 1v1 we had and dominated the rest of our trip. We started out the trip hitting Resistance and LY near boneyard, forcing them both to tele out before moving towards sperm/26 hill to clear Rage. As expected, they scattered like rats and teled out. We then fought Rage in a clean 1v1. Despite starting out DOWN 10 to them, we gained the lead very early on and never lost it. The ENTIRE fight we were up and breaking them, showing them that quality > quantity and that their Edgi recruits only help us. Outrage sadly ended up crashing the fight while we were up 10, saving them from more embarrassment. We then set up a fight against Legacy at bandits and had them rush us. We caught them in multiple clumps and were dominating the fight until Rage showed up to try to crash. They ended up getting gwassed by 3 different clans upon trying to crash lmao. We ended the trip hitting Apex at bandits, who quickly teled out. While Outrage stood in singles, our good friends over at Fatality decided to tele up, and we gwassed them at the tele spot (sorry). We then teled out and repositioned to hit Rage + Foe standing on top of each other. @Noel
  10. FLOWER


    Onslaught set out on this Sunday with 50 fucking big gorillas and peaked at 52 and maintained 45 plus through out the entire trip! First off we found apex fighting at boneyard and logged in from the west and rushed into the action apex teleported before we could get a hit so we continued to fight FOE and then HYDRA came from the south so we switched our attention to the south and cleared them in a flash Second up seen resistance fighting at bandits and rushed them from behind catching them in clumps . Third fight was at boneyard again found apex and ly fighting decided to hit from the east and started fucking shit up!! Next up HYDRA decided to hit us in singles and they instantly regretted it Last we asked hydra to come to multi and they finally accepted they told us to defend so we did and they logged right on top and got smoked gf hydra
  11. Forums | Recent Events | Youtube Sunday September 29th Outrage massed up 46 dragons, peaking at 55, to take on the scene. It quickly became apparent that some clans were more interested in singles, but we were still able to quickly find fights to hit all over the Wilderness. Good action for all today! + We crashed the initial fight between FI and Apex at bandits, and both held their ground initially. Fatality eventually went south and it was us and Apex at Bandits. Soon RS logged in and as all clans there were low food the fight ended. + SUP and Rage were fighting at boneyard, while their fight started much higher opts than we had, we hit at an opportune time and forced them both to tele. + LY was dominating FOE at Boneyard, and we rushed from the North. Sniping any FOE member who was above 30, the rest were forced to tele and we fought vs Legacy. We were down opts from the start but brought it to almost even before it was crashed and we both teled. + Apex and Fatality were again fighting at bandits, so we quickly logged in East and rushed them. They both dropped very quickly before calling the panic tele. As we were running back to singles, we caught RS logging in singles and after some scrums, both clans had bigger and better things to do than fight singles. bp gfx Logged in to hit a fight, bp were in singles when we got there and they began hitting us, so we owned them. rs gfx hit resistance and owned Caught Fi and Ub in a gwas west of bandits and owned them both. + After Apex tried to hit us in single, we decided to crash their fight again.
  12. clan-rage.com | Discord : kKdeJhY | rage.ts3chat.com | "Clan Rage" cc Rage massed up 30 Bears for a quick Sunday morning revs trip. There wasn't too much going on in the caves but we did manage to get a quick sweep on Legacy and Purge B2B. Join Rage today, the quintessential pure clan.
  13. Interested in joining the #1 Zerk/Tank/Med clan? Join Vengeance today at http://tastevengeance.com/forums/ 432,904 Vikings.. Killed everything... undisputed. cleared everything.. It's really late. More juice. Enjoy:
  14. Hydra massed up to 37 this Sunday! There we a lot of very quick fights, but there was still good action today! Come hangout in our public CC "CC Hydra" Also checkout our website www.Hydra-Rs.com | Daily Revs | Minis | Inners | Wars |
  15. Supremacy went 3-0 in the almost matched prep against rage today. Was very easy and the closest we'll ever come to rage accepting a full out vs. glorious Tiger clan. When it comes to fighting us it really can only go one way: We started the trip with 70 Tigers pouncing on bears as they made the mistake of standing in multi in our wilderness. We erased their opt advantage and smashed them down to -20 opts before LY tried to save them. Rage couldn't handle the heat and ran all the way into single, hugging it desperately as they tried to pick people off. With their snarers at sub-human IQ, they failed repeatedly to gain any sort of ground. The singles fight went as expected - Tigers fucked bears into extinction. They tried going multi to avoid getting fucked in single yet again, so we stomped them back while their opts stayed 25 beneath ours, baiting them into scim pushing and catching 10 of them every time the morons tried to venture too far into multi. After bullying Rage up 15 next to their home in single, Apex tried to bail them out. Flashbacks to IR rivalry as Apex once again failed to save the tiger victims from merciless slaughter. We pushed onto Apex and took their 40 pull down to 18 in the time it took Rage to return to within 5 opts of strongest Tiger clan and run to bank with their tail between their legs. Another flashback to the demise of IR, our rivals tried hiding behind another clan to form a "team on crash" when we inevitably came to end their day. With double their combined clans IQ, we picked off returners from both clans until opts dwindled and we scim pushed to claim 100 lives. They tried making it through the gap together, holding hands while dying to Tiger arrows. Outrage turned up to handle FOE so Rage was left to suffer their fate. We pushed into them as they ran into chaos altar... then back out... then back in... until finally taking off all the way north, desperately sprinting to 18 ports. As we were picking their multilogged accounts and pea brained recruits apart, they made it from corp hill to behind the cave, and turned north before scattering with 25 when FOE finally made it back to the fight. It was extremely easy. We capped off the trip crashing yet another fight of our rivals hiding behind another clan. This time, we took the brunt of the 1v2, ruthlessly chasing Rage all the way from CA to corp hill, where they once again panicked and ran behind the cave towards single. We took over their spot behind the trees and tactfully pushed their pathetic 40 opts back to the cave behind their boyfriends. FOE tried pushing back, but couldnt handle the wave of Tigers cycling from behind the trees, masterfully dropping their opts and forcing them away. Rage tried peeking out from behind their only hope only to get slapped away in 12 seconds while losing 15 members. Taking turns fucking each clan back and forth was nice; every time FOE would step away Rage would eat scims and drop opts at the speed of light. The returns they were screaming for didn't help much as they inevitably suicided without skulls. Realizing the futility of the fight, and panicking when FOE went too far off screen, Rage hit the lobby never to be seen again. We also crashed a fight at bandits and had a fun 20 second battle each with LY and Outrage at bandit camp before they mysteriously left the multi zone after donating rune scimitars. TY for the belt pure community. @•Walnuts @•Noel More being uploaded
  16. Forums | Teamspeak | Discord Saturday, 28th September: Final Ownage Elite massed up 65 elites for a sick F2P trip as usual. After a long week of events, we came out today ready to dominate the F2P wilderness and we were happy with the outcome. We had more numbers than the majority of the scene today but it didn't stop us from having some competitive fights. The trip started off pretty slow due to multiple clans abusing each other with mains. Eventually later on into the trip we brought some of the higher pulling clans together and had some fun action. Some Anti-FOE clans tried their hardest to organize some coordinated hits on us today but it was a complete failure and resulted in some major wins for FOE. Definitely a dominant trip for FOE and I'm sure a wake up call for the pure scene that FOE is on the rise. Special shoutout to Rage for the clean & competitive fights! ~Pete (more coming) Got word of a cluster at bandit camp so we went to hit it. Sadly, mains logged in so every clan ran away from the fight. Some of the lower pulling clans were having a cluster at CA. We watched it for some time before crashing clearing multiple clans. We hoped a couple of them would turn on us to team up but it didn't happen. We were tired of clans running so we approached Rage for a 1v1 pkri at CA. We had around 65 to their 75~ but we didn't hesitate taking on the challenge. The start of the fight was good, we were picking up quick kills but they had the number advantage on us so they took control of the fight. We never got into a bad position and returned hard till around halfway through the fight we ended up going up on them. The fight remained very even until it was crashed by Supremacy + Outrage holding hands. FOE vs OUTRAGE The Anti-Foe came in together holding hands with each other so we quickly turned our focus around on them. It turned into a decent cluster around CA with clans fighting each other all around. We were moving around trying to put ourselves in a position to hit Outrage and we did just that. FOE vs OUTRAGE We noticed Outrage were trying to set up a regroup northwest of CA. They were scared to come inside and fight us so we brought the fight directly to them. Off the rush we killed around 5 kids and they went from 50 in game (with 10 mains) to under 25 in game to our 55+. They ran for their lives clear over to 13 ports with their tiny 20 men in game. After clearing the majority of them up, we went over back to the original fight. After fully clearing Outrage, Supremacy was left alone to deal with us. Unfortunately, Supremacy had a main clan get in their capes but it really didn't do anything. They went from having 95 in game (35 mains) to under 40 pures in game within minutes. They realized they were lost without Outrage and decided to hug single line so we dipped out. risked my life for a flame fucking smoked
  17. Original topic posted here: https://tastevengeance.com/forums/topic/22823-vengeance-tuesday-night Interested in joining the #1 Zerk/Tank/Med clan? Join Vengeance today at http://tastevengeance.com/forums/ Went pking with 14, cleared deep but couldn't find much. Took to caves and wiped out numerous open ccs, collecting easy loot. Ended the night with 3 rounds of wildy fights against resurgence. Were doing very well the first two but they got crashed. Fought the third round down 5+ opts. $$
  18. Original topic posted in https://tastevengeance.com/forums/topic/22829-wednesday-gmt-is-for-the-boys-and-big-loots/ Interested in joining the #1 Zerk/Tank/Med clan? Join Vengeance today at http://tastevengeance.com/forums/ On this fine Wednesday night we decided to sound the Viking horns once more and hit anything and everything we could north of the edgeville bank. Safe to say the Vikings didn’t go home hungry. We started at Venenatis finding a few small mans trying to kill some pvmers, shame they all died to us so made no money! Having massed up some of the mightiest warriors in the land the decision was made to hop spots due to clearing everything there and move it to the revs entrance. Safe to say the lootations were huge with half of the singles pkers having no idea what a multi line is and losing countless max sets to us! Having caught a couple of pure clans out with matched pulls we decided to head into the heart of the caves looking for some run ins. First world we ran in to we found DC who decided to say hello to us by all dying and getting smited for b rings left right and centre. Thanks DC but a friendly hello works as well. You don’t have to donate sets but we wont say no! On clearing DC as we were heading down to get a bank we ran into TO? (another pure clan) we ended up clearing them with the limited supplies we had just to show them the caves were ours. At this point we’d been pking for 3 hours and some of the Vikings were heading off so we decided to take the core remaining over to altar, where again any size boner fell to us. Overall a night full of big loots, nice smites and even more loot for the Vengeance boys! TY all, ez smites!
  19. Original topic posted in https://tastevengeance.com/forums/topic/22830-casual-est-ownage/ Interested in joining the #1 Zerk/Tank/Med clan? Join Vengeance today at http://tastevengeance.com/forums/ A small number of Vikings went small manning and ran into Over Ride and some other team. Mopped em up multiple times over pushing them to single every scrap we had. Thanks for the fights gentlemen.
  20. Interested in joining the #1 Zerk/Tank/Med clan? Join Vengeance today at http://tastevengeance.com/forums/ Saturday Afternoon the Vikings decided the whale population was getting out of control. We hoisted up the sails and set sail out to Mucho Booty Island. (AKA Rev Caves.) We found dozens of main small mans but we found the most loot with the multitude of pure clans that got annihilated and smoked for their +1s. The few that got to entrance safely ended up getting focused out on the way down for even more +1s. Every timezone, every style. After a few hours of pking and no real teams or rivals to speak of we decided to pack up back to camp for the night. Enjoy the loot and Clips.
  21. Forums | Recent Events | Youtube Set up two 20-minute capped fights with Rage in F2P, secured both rounds. Thanks for the fight Rage. We also crashed Fo's pkri afterwards and ended it, much satisfaction was had. CCA Started off with Clan Cup Arena map, fight remained mostly even until we ran away with the lead. Outrage ending - 155 Rage ending - 134 Classic Next up was Classic, for the majority of the fight we were down but had an amazing comeback by the end securing the win. Outrage ending - 150 Rage ending - 146 People took pictures for this event so I guess I'll add em; a That was certainly one for the books
  22. Forums | Teamspeak | Discord   Today Final Ownage Elite massed up 40 elites for a F2P prep vs Rage. It's been some time since we prepped them and after an average first round where we let go of the round, we came back stronger in the second round. The third round came down to the wire and we managed to take the victory after a clutch ending. Good performance, we'll make sure to keep improving and perform better next time. Good fight Rage, see you on Sunday for P2P.   Round 1: Defeat Round 2: Victory Final Ownage Elite Starting/Ending: 39/28 Rage Starting/Ending: 39/0 Round 3: Victory Final Ownage Elite Starting/Ending: 40/15 Rage Starting/Ending: 40/0 ~Utc ~Korasi
  23. Forums | Recent Events | Youtube @Andrew @Adam
  24. Forums | Recent Events | Youtube Outrage Massed up 50 Dragons (peaking at 53) for our F2P trip today, and with our pull in the middle of the scene, our options were to fight down opts, or to crash the 4 clans that all were pulling slightly lower than we were. We tried to do both, but after waiting at 13 ports for 12 minutes for FOM to hit with +13, we realized they weren't going to let themselves get killed up opts, as that would demoralize their members too much. We crashed a few fights, fought SUP down opts, and ended our trip with a 1v2 vs Apex and Resistance at High Altar. @Oivc + Outrage rushed CA with 50 and saw FOE and SUP fighting with between 60-70 each. We cleverly ran through Sup straight onto FOE and started killing all the blue capes we could see. Eventually FOE realized they were kinda fucked and ran north. We followed and tried to bait them to 13 ports. They had no interest in fighting us up 12 opts so they ran away. Shame... We then took our attention to Bandit camp, and hit a cluster of RS/Apex/UB, We hit quickly, and got a few kills, and then they all ran into singles The same group of clans but now with the addition of FI went to Corp Cave Entrance, and same thing. We hit, we ran on top of corp hill, and all of the other clans stayed in singles. SUP hit as were were waiting on corp hill and that quickly ended the cluster. + Apex and RS were fighting at High Altar with ~70 opts between the both of them, so we crashed with ~45 with the intention of them anti-crashing and 2v1. We weren't disappointed and the result was a solid return fight where we went between the north tables (Apex) and the South window (RS) seemingly at will, stealing several kills with each movement. While the start of the fight was in our favor, at the end we had rushed East (in multi) and established our own position within the small church. FOE Rushed eventually when all clans were down and we had no choice but to end the cluster. Good action for all 3 clans involved. Where was this energy from FOE when we waited for them to hit us down 13?
  25. clan-rage.com | Discord : kKdeJhY | ts.clan-rage.com | "Clan Rage" cc I was informed that LY were massing up to go revs with ~40 people, hoping for a fight. 1 Masspoke later, 47 Rage Bears were ready to give them one. The second they tele'd up, we rushed them at the Northwest Corridor at revs, where we took over the fight, pushing them east into dragons where we cleared them up. LY spent another 20 minutes regrouping, only to be left with 34 ingame after a chan hop and ended their trip there. Same time tomorrow, LY?
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