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Trump or Hillary


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Trump, nobody wants another super pac funded president who is just a puppet in office. do you see how hard the GOP is pushing to get a contested convention so they could deny Trump, the candidate most people are voting for to win the GOP noimation. In a true democracy you would have multiple parties fighting for votes, here they just want to put a candidate on you. Did you know that election day votes (meaning no early voting) Bernie Sanders beats Hillary or is very close, the problem is that months ago when early voting started in some states the media was pushing Clinton. The media is still pushing Clinton (who is a super pac funded puppet) to be the DNC candidate. Just remember this, Trump is the ONLY candidate to ever fund himself completely and not be bought by multiple super pacs, and just remember this: even though Trump may use H1B workers etc. IT IS LEGAL, remember that the democratic administration placed these laws. If you watched the debates you would see that Trump is actually intelligent and a likeable person, has a sense of humor aswell. I forgot though, we are on sharkbrew the most un-educated forum you could possibly find and by the posts on the first page its demoralizing to see people supporting HilLIARy.

Iknow just wanted to see what people had to say :)

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The only good candidate would be Bernie Sanders, but if it were up against Clinton and Trump this would be a tough choice. I'd more likely lean towards Trump, like the above response before, he is not from the establishment, in comparison to Clinton who is bought by various companies and would bring practically no change if she were to be elected president. Trump would bring massive change to America, but if that change would be positive or negative is anybodys guess

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