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Brief Case

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Everything posted by Brief Case

  1. I love when i see clans pulling higher then the other for a short period of time they're always declaring large prep numbers. Imagine being that dogshit of a clan. 

  2. I'm not apart of any clan by the name of special forces, maybe you need to realize that i am brief case and only brief case moron. Go merge again and hit up every main clan to suck your dick. Your clan sucks dick in p2p freak lmao, reply if mad fag.
  3. Supremacy has a roster of 20 every prep, don't expect anything more.
  4. Same guy that was in Dynasty? @T A R Z A N
  5. It makes alot of sense, how can you even come close to talking about being a top p2p contender pulling 28, getting smashed by everybody you setup a fight with?
  6. Just giving more reason of a reason to have fights in clanwars rather then the wilderness.
  7. Imagine capping "pure" fights in 2021. It aint pure if you're capping fights dogshit clans.

  8. Bump @Kim @puppyslush
  9. More fun then AAO getting closed by clans in p2p.
  10. A victim, a few below me in a status update just admitted that he accepts the fact Ryan (hormone) scammed his own clan. 

  11. You're always doing leak checks though? Imagine being desperate to catch a leak like this.
  12. You scammed in Rage members, so i could actually agree with what you're saying.
  13. I'm not in a clan but i do know your clan gets no action in the main scene. Imagine being left out and forcing your members to make 25 def max accounts to stay relevant.
  14. If it takes you longer then 30mins to clear BP matched, i don't know what to say.
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