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Everything posted by Erik

  1. Dull couldn't save EOP lmao what will you do now? it's over

  2. Imagine giving someone queen rank on your forums lmfao

    dead clan

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Killer Kamal
    3. 0ldschooler


      Its 2018 and youre still low tier erik lmfaoo

    4. Erik


      @0ldschoolerthis shit pretty high tier to me lmfa0 


  3. Huhuhuh gz on having a life, kinda cool you consider that an achievement
  4. This man is a lier. Guy got demoted from HC to Council less than a month in yikes
  5. Eop thinking they will make an impact with their e-dating leadership LMAOO
  6. ??? You’ve been able to delete the defence attack bonus for atleast 2 years LMAO
  7. Eop are pretty dead at this point buddy
  8. Very accurate input from chinaman.
  9. I watched you regroup for a total of 24 minutes after a 1 minute impact with foe
  10. Why didn’t you mention the suicide against FOE on sperm hill?
  11. I remember beating Apex 3-0 in a fullout already. Why would I need to do it again lmfao?
  12. Ahahhahahhahh but you lost to APEX wtf buddy lmfao
  13. Ahahahaahhahaha you lost the wilderness fullout and there’s nothing your sad ass can do about it
  14. You just can’t handle the fact we the best lmfa0
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