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Everything posted by Erik

  1. I smoked your clan, your clan is dead, would do it again btw. Was so fucking ez. Rest in piss eopiss oh no! Audio! See you today Fatality
  2. You did well in foe, however we closed eop without your help, and you being in eop at the time bud
  3. I was never in FOE when FOE closed, I need 2 hands to count the amount of times I've closed EoP however.
  4. Someone tell me how I murdered EoP - and now Murd is in the clan he claimed he'd never in his life fight FOR! TIMES CHANGE FOR SURE!
  5. "down by 50" vs Zenith lmao, my point being you would think long and hard before fighting FOE down 15. I'd doubt I'll see the day when it happens. You had 80 on TS whilst we had 62 at the start.
  6. Can confirm that Rage started sweating pure v pure and brought mains (again)
  7. You are delusional lmfao why are you piping up? We’re gonna kill your clan (again)
  8. I made rage go from 100+ pulls to 50 in 4 weeks time and you haven't recovered since lmfao FOE slumps due to Fi Hype and camped by mains, you bring 30 vennies to a trip and decide to pipe up (AGAIN)? FOE will come back stronger soon, Rage hasn't been able to recover since 10 months (you got it mixed up pal!) Not very wise there!
  9. A lot of smack from a pure clan having a main clan help them out we’ll see who comes out on top buddy.
  10. Why’d you tele from foe when you’re literally up 50 in ts? Thanks for the fights, hoping for more in the future
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