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Everything posted by Tribby

  1. Hoping you didn't pay for an xlpc leaderboard
  2. From an unbiased point of view it looks like it's gonna be cloudy from all the Olympus smoke UB smoked today. Gz UB
  3. All the die hard doom members must feel real dumb right about now 🙈

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. rathole101


      kanicus stfu ur clan is dead lmfao

    3. Kanicus


      @rathole101 gonna make me? Don't hate, appreciate.

    4. Dinoz


      Are u still butthurt about that 9-0 lmfao kyp

  4. I haven't been in sup in over a year now so you really got me there pal. That's your excuse really man? It takes like 3 hours to make an xlpc account so tell your homie to stop crying and make a new account. I don't pk with any xlpc so I could care less just funny to me you guys are freshly back and already have def, but hey man live how you wanna live homie Fly then man!
  5. Pretty brown sticky stuffty you guys are bringing 20 def to xlpc lol
  6. Damn back to irrelevance op, bout to lose another rivalry
  7. Damn Togo taking that p2p title to hang next to thenf2p title I see
  8. What's up man, if you join a clan, don't join fearless or eop unless you wanna catch autism
  9. What would we do without 17's uneducated cry baby ass and his group of rejects
  10. Keep crying about a situation you put yourselves in Eom it'll get you far
  11. The only people I see crying on these forums as of lately is you, and all of your other boys from Eop headquarters pal
  12. Eop can't compete during weekends , can't get preps , rely on mains, now about to get banned off the rs fan site that they call home... Eop steady taking the most L's you've ever seen LMFAO
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