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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. Clan Chat: VR_Clanchat Twitter: http://twitter.com/OSRS_VR Twitch: http://twitch.tv/OSRS_VR VR Discord: https://discord.me/OSRS_VR Was at work and heard a few of you guys got a PvM trip going at Callisto. After making some bank and killing some PKers there, I got home from work to hear we were fighting some noob team at GDS. Logged in and got there, cleared them quickly and noticed we had a good chunk of numbers and decided to move to Revs. Hopped around and ended up finding a stream + Divine Forces who were chasing them stream. We dipped from that as both had good chunk of numbers compared to us and we didn't want to fight rags. We hopped around and cleared a few 5 man teams before hearing that Blue Owl's open discord who disrespectfully opened with the name "Frozen Fury" was PKing. We decided to hit them for a bit and tell them to change their name as pretty much all ex-FF ranks are in VR. We followed them through ~6 worlds, clearing them over and over and hitting some clumps before they called it a day. Ibliys then started up a PK and we heard JaJa and SV were all out as well. We decided to hit ibilys as we heard they were coming down in a world and caught them in a clump in the corridor. After a small little barrage clump killing a few, we single-multi fought them picking off a few retards that couldn't get to single in time before half our group banked and they had all ingame and rushed us. Think like 2 of us died to them and we came back up to fight them again but they had left to bank as well. We then got word that SV were on a world and hopped there to bang out one of their members. Rest of them logged in and we started fighting for a bit. Eventually ibilys came in and we moved north barrage into the fight. We continued holding north side of the fight til both clans came into dragons after us. We moved to single, single-multiing them for a bit catching both in big clumps south east of single before both clans hopped from the world and we did the same. Went around a little more looking for some small man stuff but looked like ibilys and SV were the only two out and in rags so we couldn't be fucked and decided to call it as we had been out for 4 hours. Pics: Clump city bish
  2. Clan Chat: "VR ClanChat" Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs Website: www.vr-rs.com VR Twitter: twitter.com/OSRS_VR VR Twitch: twitch.tv/OSRS_VR Introduction: Founded in 2006, VR was a merge between Hostile and Awaken and against all odds VR has achieved over a decade of success and is one of the only clans still standing today to of not closed and to be pulling enough to compete with most clans in this current era. Currently VR pk on a daily basis and we thrive on having one of the best community's in the game, unless you have been VR you can never understand what we have here. We are more than just a RS clan and our community runs deeper than people imagine. Some of us have been here for all 10 years. Many for the vast majority of that time. Our core member-base is the epitome of loyalty. Our allegiance to VR is unbreakable. VR do all kinds of events.. this ranges from PVM or PVP on a daily basis and we constantly aim to be as active as possible even with the state of the current clan world. Clan Ranks: Leader - Mike-Cera • Evizu Officer - Shak • DJ Av Valeni • Zak 45 Advisor - Sparze • Agn75 Warlord - Assassin Lfc • Hex HD • Alaverga2 • DavidDamage Council - Erika • Solos Clan Requirements: Applicant 120+ Combat with 94+ Mage and 96+ Range 1500+ Total Level - Desert Treasure - Rigour, Augury - Obelisk in house w/ wilderness hard diary All Prayers Unlocked - 1+ Member referral - Must have Teamspeak3 and Discord - Required sets are posted on our forums. 35 Post Count on forums Member 122+ Combat with 99 Mage and 99 Range 1750+ Total Level Desert Treasure Rigour, Augury Obelisk in house w/ wilderness hard diary Kandarin hard diary 5 Member referrals Must have Teamspeak3 and Discord Required sets are posted on our website 150+ Post Count on forums Both of these requirements also require you to be active within our community so that being the forums,ts,discord and ingame. Useful Info: History of Violent Resolution :https://www.vr-rs.com/forums/topic/34/?page=1 Latest fights & events: https://www.vr-rs.com/forums/forum/24-clan-fights/ VR est 2006: https://www.vr-rs.com/forums/topic/633/?page=1 VR Awards:
  3. F2P is gone now.. Only rev caves left rip.
  4. How long have u been clanning for? Can't be long if you think ROT has never closed lmao.
  5. ROT didn't recover at all because they closed before that crashwar you mentioned.. VR still recovered to an extent because they're still here today
  6. I thought we was talking facts? You're right that ROT control the clan world right now and has done for a very long time, You're wrong that ROT "killed" VR because in reality VR has killed ROT in the past, a topic was posted like a day ago where VR pulled 25 not 8, I'm being non bias btw they're all true facts.
  7. Yeah because once they reopened and got big they attracted most runescape glory hunters like yourself who joined to be the #1 clan! Hey if those 8 people you talk about enjoy doing that everyday then that's cool right? Better than doing nothing??
  8. As far as real facts go you still can't close a clan without them closing and another real fact: ROT got closed by VR at some point.
  9. VR have never closed so therefore that statement is invalid
  10. Y u quoting a clan that's been open longer than ur clanning career
  11. CD going to kill your degenerate clan
  12. The worst thing you could of done for the well being of your clan was to use tanks against CD.. can tell you don't know much about history and whats happened to clans who have initiated tank/main battles with CD... Goodjob on killing your clan.
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