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best nher na

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    Making pures look dizzy

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  1. If you consider winning being pushed from Corp cave to CA to Fog and then ending then yes RP won heavily
  2. Looks like you hit a team of 6 random F2P pkers ngl
  3. Got back into runescape recently and started up another pure. Haven't finished the stats I want but figure I could do some xlpc stuff to break up training times and meet some people to pk with since all my old clan mates / friends quit. Lmk if anyone needs a +1 or an experienced mini warrer. Stats atm (Will probably be 75+ range within 1-2 days and 45 prayer) https://gyazo.com/993078c222afaaa848078a4b6aae87b8
  4. That movement east at 2:51 of first vid is what won that round. Caught out so many of them that didn't react quick enough gj
  5. I mean whatever floats your boat lol. Get my IP from someone off this site and ddos me for an ancient staff if you like lol
  6. As I said haven't been ddos'd since like Halo 3 on xbox lmao. Can think whatever you'd like though. If it makes you feel powerful having a $5 booter in 2016 more power to you baby girl.
  7. No idea, He was pking with Yo its sonny and wanted to be cool too I guess lol
  8. Nah this is just some guy that sniped his name. Real Kids Ranqe hasn't played in ages I'm sure. Kinda sad tbh he got all his following by using someone elses name and deliberately doesn't answer when people ask if he's the real one.
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