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Forever Green

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Everything posted by Forever Green

  1. Will foc finally show their faces again on sharkbrew this weekend or will they continue to hide in their basements? 5-0 btw l00l


    1. hotkeying


      But you lost the fullout lol

    2. Himsa


      would be funny if this guy wasnt even Apex

    3. H I T T A

      H I T T A

      So Apex does not acknowledge getting 3-0 in a fullout where the rounds weren't even close to being in their favor. That's weird

  2. Daily reminder to foc


    kiss the belts lmfao pussies

    1. Gibbo


      now nox is scared to prep us mfw.

    2. Singles Trip

      Singles Trip

      Our warlord steps down and now fom members think they got balls looooooool

  3. #1 p2p clan apex putting foc into the dirt still haha @Jordan back to the basement
  4. but you still cant kill more than 3 people in all of your rounds against fearless? l0l
  5. l000l u lost a fullout to apex and fatality LMFAOF random hahahaha 1-1 in fullouts and 0-5 in p2p preps LMFAO
  6. @Demais good boy l0l kyp behind the godkings of p2p

  7. l0000000000000000000000l nice 0-5 prep record haha
  8. still no sign of foc lmao what happened to the army of forum warriors?? KISS THE BELT LMFAO



    1. 17_


      need some speaky from lookatwhatidid. nvm he permed hahahahh

  9. l0l @holydreams is desperate to get apex to off his shit clan
  10. agreed foc is shit and cant beat a battlescape clan l00l thanks for the confirmation
  11. foc is 0-5 vs apex in p2p preps and is not top in any aspect of pure clanning l0000l
  12. I dont think @Jamz can do that lol its too much for him to handle l0000l 0-5 jamz era hjahahaha
  13. back 2 ur basement @Jordan l000l stay at #4 hahaha
  14. gKI1goC.png

    kiss the belts @Erik @W0lverine hahahaha

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Forever Green

      Forever Green

      you mean 27 year old basement dweller? l000l

    3. Martin Tyler
    4. Forever Green

      Forever Green

      didnt he get bullied out of fatality and then bullied in foc by eop l00l the mans about to shoot up a school at this rate

  15. who cares if its him or not hes easy and so is foc l0l
  16. if i wanted to listen to minimum wage working high school drop outs id scroll through facebook
  17. that rage clan was never good l0l no wonder outburst is sucking as hard as foc rn
  18. foc are quiet lmfao sent to sleep at the bottom of the ocean

    1. Kim


      Foe accounts are still ban.

  19. Didnt outburst get 1 30 minute prep win vs fs in the xlpc scene (when their caller wasnt there) and you held on to that like it meant something lol hypocrite next time kill more people than ur ranks have kids
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