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Everything posted by Erase

  1. pretty sure they barely feel anything u prolly pulled like 12 no offense
  2. sure bro lets go with that just tell nox to reply to me could care less about him ending early when there was like 5 rev left but they did get u on vid leaving early
  3. its rev which is basically rage as you know, and they arnt begging for action rofl they are there to outlast you and they did just that...there isnt anything else to say when its on vid
  4. not believing anything bro they have a vid of u calling ur spam and leaving while they are legit in gear bolting u while ur all in 1 item proof is in the vids bro soz but u got out ns'd EDIT:i guess props to ur 12 that didnt break or w/e and ragged the fight but thats about it
  5. damn almost believed this before i saw this vid wonder why apex is turning into a propaganda clan, you've never cared about your image on sharkbrew before why all of the sudden are u and RNG on sharkbrew posting like crazy without a sight of nox
  6. tbh pex hasnt pulled 30+ in a few months dont think they can muster up 40 for a prep rn
  7. ya ngl that was slow of pex to use a hider for that message l0l smh
  8. gf (tell this dude to not use quick prays btw)tell ti
  9. my g your clan hasnt had hype since ease left you stuck in that trap lmfaooo gl getting events when 1.you can barely pull and 2.ur a 15 year clan acting nh rofl those are the reasons ur clan gets no action and stays ina stagnant state plus tbf ur a rank again
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