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Status Updates posted by keefn

  1. c'mon   fo   where ya at ?? 🤣


    1. Show previous comments  303 more
    2. orgasms


      hahahha rage founder cleared from here and everywhere

      keep calling my name im ur sugar dadddy

    3. keefn


      Haha reply back if u have autism and ur upset about Rage

    4. orgasms


      hahha reply back if ur clan is closing !

  2. lmfao heard fo closed no topic also heard the sardines are next in line to pull ~13 idiots again

    1. Show previous comments  40 more
    2. K2P


      this is why foe is the best clan of all time

    3. keefn


      Not a good look for big mac and the dead eagles after this weekend 😈

    4. keefn


      This is why Rage is the best pure clan to play the game!

  3. Look how much fo kids cry, must suck to be sissies!

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. orgasms


      not even close to breaking me

      ur just mad ur clan is pulling 20-30 pures right now and so mad foe wont let u get any action in wild 

    3. keefn


      I can tell you're broken , look how demoralized you are currently. Rage thanks you for your pkri's btw 😂

    4. orgasms


      what pkri u know that foe cleared ur med with other 3 clans u didnt even last 2 hours and its all on vid thx victim

  4. Heard fo got demolished over the past weekend and even avoided a f2p prep last week too 🤣🤣

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. keefn


      Didn't you cancel a f2p prep last week against Terror because you were paranoid of losing?? Must suck to be a wussy irl! keep crying to me there's nothing you can do to take this belt off my waist! 

    3. orgasms


      stop lying to ur self and prep the #1 clan even that still exists till now

      stop avoiding venny leader

    4. keefn


      fo will never claim one of these the whole year of 2021 jajaja must suck to suck dude, tell me how it feels?


  5. Need a laugh? Check out how misleading slaughters topic is LMAO ITS GOT ME WEAKKKKKKKK

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. ultama


      There's still doom members in each three of the clans, im in Olympus myself and I know of people who are in SD and in Slaughter so nice try broccoli lmao

      "You're not in this for the long run" We've been open for a year and we were the best MPC around unlike rage who were a brown sticky stuff LPC and now come into the MPC community with a 2-11 record, asking for pub-off preps and fighting clans with +opts and still losing


      your clan is brown sticky stuff and looking at your leaderboards its understandable why l0l


    3. Lenin


      Slaughter's dead now, core is leaving, ranks are going inactive etc. name me the Doom in Slaughter and Olympus. Not to preps, those that go out to wild?


      "Best MPC around" - you need to dominate both clan wars and wildy to claim that title. So no.


      Already answered prep record. Already answered the opts. You revert to the same points and decline to answer the majority of what I say. Keep telling yourself Doom is relevant, if that gets you to sleep. End//

    4. ultama


      If Slaughter is dead then why are you pussy footing their preps lol?

      Yes we dominated both clan wars and the wilderness to the point where we forced clans to bring main clans with them and held (one of the) highest prep records in clanning...?

      I don't even get why you're trying to square up to me right now Rage is nowhere near as relevant as doom and will not come anywhere as close to being as a good clan as doom.

  6. Woke up this morning with a full hard on knowing NO clan can stop Clan Rage 💯 👑

    Reminder that fo = cancelled a f2p prep last week 🤣🤣

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. orgasms


      more active dead ass clan l0l u guys do midweeks with meds fuck outta here l0l cleared 20x

    3. keefn


      I think you're dumbass is forgetting you cancel pure preps out of paranoia of us lmfao retard

    4. orgasms


      l00000000l stop canceling and prep foe HAHAHHA venny founder sissy cleared 300x

  7. Reminder that it took fo 7 weeks to make a weekend trip topic... LOL


    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. orgasms


      lool foe killed ur clan to 15 capes ingame hahaha

    3. keefn


      Loool fo don't even wear capes anymore hahahaha 

    4. orgasms


      foe #1 p2p and f2p in clw and wild ur not aloud in wild!

  8. Pointing and laughing at these fo sissies 🤣🤣

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. orgasms


      broke u* l0l trying to get cheap in here i see

    3. keefn


      Hahaha you admitted to me breaking you 3 times and it will be a 4th time by the end of today 🤣

    4. orgasms


      u already lost 3 status if not 4 soon 5 

      founder cleared l0l 

  9. fo nerds getting cleared off the brew is just a daily thing

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. orgasms


      l0l ur members are crying go help them out 

    3. keefn


      L0L ur crying go get some help kid. Look what I reduced you to

    4. orgasms


      2021 is ur year

      year of closure! kleareeeeeeed 

  10. 8be6f1edf237972befec03f908482b62.png?width=720&height=470

    picture from fo's aftermath topic

    big gratz to them for posting first afermath topic in over a year! 🙌

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. keefn


      lmfao at your prep . I was listening hehe

    3. K2P


      were you? release the audio then

    4. keefn
  11. You realize how broccolied your members/ranks are yet? We did this to you. @Dannypool

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. UnbiasedSlaughterMember


      The salt l m a o.


      Gj slaughter lol rage

    3. JDM


      Wanna get a prep going? Its the test to prove who the brown sticky stuff clan is.

    4. aw panic lol

      aw panic lol

      Ask lp to help alrdy

  12. Who wants to take bets Slaughter only comes out for one day this weekend? LMAO

  13. Slaughter got decked today lmfao, whats new tho. #prepteam??

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JDM


      LOL we smacked you nigga what you mean? 3v1 np

    3. keefn


      Since you tomatos got lured onto commenting on my status check out our topic lmfao. GG, see you next weekend ok? :'(


    4. keefn


      @S U C I O S lmfao broccoli what up

  14. Slaughter close yet? Looks like they went out today as a snipe team LOL.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JDM


      Thats literally what happened though? Gotta tell niblet to quit telling you retards to stop coming up with stories fam

    3. Ryan..


      Hahah you seem to be #1 at it tomato

    4. JDM


      We saw the lb's fam, we know your propaganda tactics

  15. Slaughter member seeing the light lmfao https://gyazo.com/5c5ff24b012f556ce632ace3c35d5046

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. puff puff rage

      puff puff rage

      useless propaganda from a useless leader, prep us at runescape.com when you grow a set

    3. keefn


      well my leak in slaughter said he might as well join us now because you're on the verge of closing, is this tru?

    4. puff puff rage

      puff puff rage

      runescape.com for a 50v50 ftp prep

  16. @Dannypool LOL you're fucking broccolied. R u guys slumping or something? Did we do this to u?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. keefn


      How the fuck are we slumping LOL. You don't even post pk trip topics... #prepteam ayeee?? You're so fucking broccolied, grab the knife!

    3. JDM


      Lmao rage is so brown sticky stuff

    4. keefn
  17. Lmfao, slaughter is trashhhhhhhh.. Welcome to the wild?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JDM


      Lmao youre talking brown sticky stuff? You literally need + opts or other clans to hold your hands? A prep determines which clan has better pkers broccoli

    3. keefn


      Who said that? This broccoli Sushi? Pretty embarrassing ur clan gets bullied in game AND on here. R0fl must be tough being a broccoli.

    4. JDM


      How were we bullied? You mean when you were teamed with clans to fight us, or when you need + opts to compete LOL keef your clan is closing fam.

  18. cdmTT8DRGC-14.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. keefn
    3. orgasms


      omg im scared why im banned cuz i killed ur clan lolol venny clan rage 2022

    4. keefn
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zeke & Friends

      Zeke & Friends

      What Don said Lmfao

    3. JDM


      Lmao ths nigga think he relevant and brown sticky stuff

    4. ultama


      shame you couldn't beat them in a prep r0fl

  19. When a clan is on the verge of closing https://gyazo.com/16ebb82b3527b9a306b97815f896afcb I'll see u l8r slaughter ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. puff puff rage

      puff puff rage

      You tomatos are just easy to make fun of, runescape.com when you grow a set

    3. Dannypool


      oh man!!! You don't even try doing midweeks f2p because you'll get railed 1v1 prep us

    4. Zeke & Friends

      Zeke & Friends

      You tomatos are just easy to make fun of, runescape.com when you grow a set

  20. Hoping POP can come out this weekend so Slaughter can actually get some action lmfao

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JDM


      hoping your ranks get a set and prep us instead of belittling your members. lol

    3. Gary


      You keep saying that @Control Pker , its not even good banter. You are afraid of us, you won't accept a prep where u get +5, all u have done is get 2 weekends FT SD.


      We have 5 prep wins on you, we have cleared you to singles countless times. You declined our preps so many tmes...


      We are legit undefeated against you in 1v1s


      Stay irrelevant xlpcpkers59

    4. Jail`


      Pop??? going out on weekends??? When Ruin/eop cant help?! Cmon now ^.^

  21. This slaughter leak guna get paid pretty nice after this Saturday lmfao

  22. lmoMPph.gif

    All Levels/PvM/PvP/Community

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eztocrypt
    3. Sybren


      where's the links at!? :D 

    4. keefn


      @SybrenEnd Slavery clan chat, also a link to the discord is on our sharkbrew recruiting topic on this website :)

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