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Everything posted by Rhythm

  1. very cool seeing more clans in the bracket. good luck
  2. Says the clan that complained about not getting prep points after prepping IR twice. Stay salty bro
  3. This is a midweek not an an official event. If it was a pkri on the other hand then yeah flame them. Come on EOP, lets not forget you guys had to resort to using mains for months during your HPC time to compete with FOE (even lost during to them during their anni when you brought +80 mains, that's just sad ) . You guys are legit monkeys ngl. Will find the smallest thing to complain about
  4. Was actually 15v16-17 if you watch the vid. The rest were at CA camping returners. Wouldn't be fun at all to have 35v15 l0l
  5. What's new Hanuman post stuff like this every week l0l
  6. Guess I was right. Old habits die hard. Stay brown sticky stuff EOP :Phttps://i.gyazo.com/8525dc1d1c1e25ae948d3dd1ab4f3b22.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Plawpy


      tlp is dead and we will kill the scene again and its nobodies fault except yours

    3. rathole101


      yes eop crumbling

    4. Rhythm


      EOP will never be good l0l. Only lasted so long in HPC after TLP closed cause of the amount of mains they brought. Stay brown sticky stuff bros :P

  7. this guy is really out the loop
  8. this topic.. EOP wouldn't have lasted in HPC if they didn't have mains every weekend. Stop kidding yourself l0l. Only delusional EOP members think their clan was any good while they were in HPC
  9. They were pretty split up. From plateau towards the west trees
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