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Everything posted by nate`

  1. someone lemme mini with them team or clan idrc i just wanna mini

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. موني


      U can always come to cj or ub minis if im on ill lyk

    3. nate`
    4. Kiwis


      just join sv

  2. Your life seems very pathetic I genuinely feel sorry for you that I'm not going to try and flame you back you seriously need to get help if you wanna stay mentally stable.
  3. kids so obsessed with doom cant congratulate us on pulling well
  4. our leader is a fat virgin so we know he'll never abandon us its like an abusive family except like 10 family members went mia recently
  5. congrats rage looks like you guys are #1 atm

  6. prob not gonna happen for a long time till there is a huge power creep and pures get strong enough to do it
  7. did anyone save the video of the audio i wanna hear it :/
  8. LOOOL rage is way better than cd what is this brown sticky stuff
  9. nerds calling other nerds "justin beiber" #sharkbrew

  10. yeah im sooooooo mad nice social life
  11. nigga i didn't say it was an excuse l0l i just said its a game you guys make so many topics about this brown sticky stuff like get something more important to worry about then bragging on sharkbrew and no if we won we would not go to this extent of talking about it this is pathetic l0l
  12. its just a video game man get a life
  13. eop still got 3-0d by rage l0l

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bradyb


      @nate` rem job just offered me my rank back to come to doom lol kyp

    3. Logic


      i agree 6-0

    4. nate`
  14. LOOL NIGGA PULLED SOME CONTROL PKER brown sticky stuff
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