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Status Updates posted by Tannie

  1. at the end of the day, you lost every fight today.

    1. Kanicus


      Wrong forums, please re-post on fs site.

  2. l0000000000l iv wants to talk brown sticky stuff again UH? xD

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pun


      @exzrts umm? we got like 4 broccoli


    3. exzrts


      u probably lost it all hehe gz fs don't get triggered now :P @Pun

    4. Pun
  3. "Duke He chose GP and greed over a family of brothers. Really sad. A real life example of what staking can do to you. We tried to stop J MONT but he was too addicted. RIP" l m a o @Greuter @Dave

  4. imagine trying to leak getting banned for dying to envy instead of leaking. l00000000l.

    1. Break


      l0l no way was that him

    2. Tannie
    3. R3ALITY


      clack clack keep banning eop and see how long they last keeping your singles clan alive.

  5. Yawns. I wonder whats gonna happen tomorrow. xd

  6. It feels so fucking good when you put brown sticky stuff clans in their place. 0brain ranks 0quality members. I love this game so much xD

  7. I crashed a doom member, He got so mad and disappear for 10mins. Then he came back with a cannon and place it beside the 4spot. I literally died. L0000000000000000L

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. auwi
    3. TheBean


      Lmafo. i would not care if you crashed me lol.

    4. Betty_R3D


      Tannie youre a badboy now or what ? rofl crying on a game bruh get a life

  8. @Nixon you better bring back up my topic. I ain't even kidding lmfao, stop being such a fkn tryhard pos

    1. Tannie


      @Old Nox brother if you cant keep your kids in their place for being a tryhard mod on sb, i can gladly help u anytime.

    2. Jimi
  9. mfw doom complaints about tanks then gets ziko to use his tanks, now u see what real tanks are. LMAO.

    1. SwordsAndSandals


      @Tannie your clan cant compete without them

    2. SwordsAndSandals
    3. Hulk


      So delusional, Lalo was right about you @Tannie

  10. Runescape is actually a boring game. Clanning is what makes it fun.


  12. 1st Clan in Last clan out most active and hated #1 lpc clan ever ! Fearless-rs.Com

    1. Never Lucky

      Never Lucky

      hated because you bring mains/crash fights/team with terror to hit a clan with the same ops. fs brown sticky stuffter

  13. IV brown sticky stuffters, are u gonna show up to the declaration prep or not? lmao

    1. Leen


      They didn't show up to the last 2 preps we had scheduled so I wouldn't get your hopes up.

    2. Official Duke

      Official Duke

      So damn delusional braces you aren't brown sticky stuff.

  14. Invictus no-showed their last 2 preps vs Fearless and has now declined a prep deceleration even after admins said all was in order. How is this ment to be a rivalry if you won't even fight us lmfao, this is getting ridiculous.

  15. Wanna join an active LPC who does both F2P/P2P? Join up today! http://fearless-rs.com

    1. Jimi
    2. Tannie


      O Yes. grats vittu perkele

    3. Aaronn


      wo does f2p and P2P???? p2p? you never do p2p hahahahahahhahaa

  16. Daily reminder: Sf is brown sticky stuff, cant compete in their own capes. Iv is even worst, cant compete by themself, always begging for help.

  17. GL SF, lmfao. xD

    1. Aaronn


      u got smacked up today wahhahahaa feels good to be IV

  18. lmao. the moment u brought mpc/tanks after i warned you. U know u fucked up.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kenan N Kel

      Kenan N Kel

      King tannie doesn't forgive or forget

    3. Hassan is back

      Hassan is back

      Lmao doom wants terror and fearless cocks. You'll get urs hehe

    4. Jimbo
  19. l0000000l IV pulled 46 to a declaration and thought they won. l00000l #EPIC

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. -WILL-


      Can't come to prep, but can come to wildy. Makes sense, FS logic.

    3. Frosty


      you couldnt pull the minimum so you didnt show up.. in a slump tannie?

    4. Tannie


      l0l0l all iv kids mad af. xd xd

  20. l0000000l IV pulled 46 to a declaration and thought they won. l00000l #EPIC

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