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Status Updates posted by Kevv

  1. Seems like clans had to team to compete

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. U mad tr0ll

      U mad tr0ll

      what was that sv? you said something? last time I checked you were still trying to mass after massing time finished because you couldn't pull your 70+ invites to fight us. Bad clan

    3. LowKey
    4. N_ate


      How can cv talk with sv mains.. W0t

  2. Sharkbrew is hilariously entertaining tonight

  3. since [eop]lela aka 17 wants to ignore my posts and post about the boy brandon instead ill need to sift thru my profile feed and find the reminder about when [eop]lela aka 17 lied about his mum having cancer bcos he was frightened to hop from fi to rd haha

    1. Kevv


      thank god for copy and paste haha cba typing it all out again, makes me justin beiber like mad @Conor McGregor

    2. Persian Tom
  4. Starting official P2P today, #1 in wildy and clan wars, join us at http://clan-zu.com/community/ get involved!

  5. stop clogging the recent updates with lpc brown sticky stuff. im trying to pay respects to rage who died this weekend



      nobody cares about 2017 clans buddy shut up

  6. Thank god you deleted that status update, rc owner, you silly man

  7. The kinda retards that use multiple sharkbrew alias' @Waifu Pillow = @The Big Show = @Leather Boots .... kid has 3 accounts what a fucking nerd lmao

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ErectDDS


      someones gotta post rage propaganda since everyone else knows they're brown sticky stuff

    3. D o n
    4. Flex


      l000l walrus pillow

  8. the lengths ppl go to to pretend they like hpc clanning lol weird

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kevv


      are u flaming me or are u sucking sv members dicks? i cant work it out lol

    3. Conor McGregor

      Conor McGregor

      Both, go back to posting on their site and thinking they like you lmao, typical brit bong

    4. Kevv


      only some weirdo on a fake account would admit he sucks dick smh

  9. The only reason eom claims things like '6 clans in 1 cape' etc. is because they know themselves they lost so this is their justification for losing. yes theyre admitting to losing

    1. amenti


      stfu broccoli all ur clans r ded

  10. There was only like 3 preps this week lol gj

    1. Range Grudge

      Range Grudge

      Weak community. Don't expect it to get any better

  11. There's no need to be upset.

  12. these forum avatars are hurting my eyes

    1. Bounty


      yes they are brown sticky stuff

    2. Ramie


      go to dark theme at bottom of page

    3. Killer Kamal
  13. this is what happens the 1 time u actually wear ur own cape lmfao dead clan outpulled u by 20 today, growing every weekend ez rivalry http://i.imgur.com/nHdEatE.png

    1. Dinoz


      nice sv invites and cd wearing ur cape brown sticky stuff clan

  14. Took 3 clans who way overpulled Cv to take them down whereas we did it ourselves down ~20 xd UNDEFEATED #zu #1

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Sith-


      Like a bad xd... dont u know the difference between a good and bad xd @roflcats

    3. roflcats


      ya @Sith- I do....zerg unit and destruction

    4. U mad tr0ll

      U mad tr0ll

      ^ KO, The salty bus has arrived and it is departing back to siths closet.

  15. two of uefa's cauliflower rules fucked over wales

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rip ghetto

      Rip ghetto

      Wales fucking sucks mother fucking cock hahaha game over broccolied waelish people lololol

    3. Kevv


      @`Don @ALB4NIA the yellow card rule meant ramsey couldnt play, and portugal were THIRD in their group and managed to go through? fuck that

    4. Rip ghetto

      Rip ghetto

      Ez rip whales brown sticky stuff team rofl

  16. u broke very quickly rage

    1. Greuter


      you had 5 ingame while we had 40 lmao

  17. u suck so bad olympus not even trying anymore

    1. Kanicus


      Defeated and punished.

  18. Ub killed Op in under 3 weeks lol

    1. amenti


      u didn't kill brown sticky stuff broccoli lmfao. gz on 2 good trips and 0-1 in preps against olympus pure clan

    2. Killer Kamal
    3. Ibra


      agree, ub is winning the rivalry rn

  19. week 2 and cd cancelled sunday trip AGAIN, threatened to one item, only to bottle it and not bother. they ARE however threatening to bring mains as they have no confidence in their low quality members. ps they have not won a single fight in either saturday trips

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Terror Spokesman

      Terror Spokesman

      Give him a sec.. he's taking nick his lunch

    3. holydreams


      lmfao nowhere did i say we support mains

    4. holydreams


      im the exact same person kevv bud

  20. Well I picked my side, sorry guys but I'm UB now

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