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Everything posted by Kip

  1. Kip


    Wait... You're a teacher? What grades?
  2. Back in the private server days there was a clan called "Empire", it's nickname throughout the community was "Slumpire".
  3. YOU What is your IRL name or nickname? Kip (ik my name on sb is now Wizard, fk off) What are your web/gaming interests? Playing skillers then making them pures Do you have any IRL hobbies? School and smokin' donks RUNESCAPE/CLANNING Are you a clanner? If so, which clan? If not, are you interested in clanning? Training a acc... I wanna join a clan again, I don't know this new scene. If ya know me, drop me a dm Do you have a RuneScape account? If so, show us. Ya, not gonna leak myself yet. What are your goals with your account or clanning career? Maxed 88, 70+ all, 22m/200m cook xp PS: Let's play a game... If your sb acc is older than mine you get a boater set. WOW
  4. Is there a fc for pure bridding?

  5. Hey was wondering if anyone else suffers from crippling depression? AKA: has a ironman pure. If so... I wanna be ur friend cause I am lonely Add me: Taylored Btw... Any clans want a ironman?
  6. You wouldn't know good leadership if it hit you in the face with a 2x4
  7. uh... I might have sent in a request for a old hunter bot to get the name off of it... :/
  8. OP closed, get over it.
  9. @SV y'all know that cb caps are 88-90 usually? Right?
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