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Everything posted by PICwarior381

  1. By who? exactly shut your mouth when I speak little boy keep ragging foe cause thats all you got going in your life atm weirdo
  2. Shut up you haven't closed shit you fat paki you got bullied out of mains to lpc lmfaooo next step is xlpc my man l0l0l0ll0l0l0l0ll00
  3. I don't care frontline is fucking you up l0l0l0l0l0l0l0 stay ez retard
  4. 150 abdullahs coming for your cave
  5. Apocashit is so bad omg so fucking dead lmfaoooo

  6. fucking weirdo @slushpuppy @Kim @Break @Moni please close this cringy ass topic ty
  7. shut up no one takes you serious you dumb fuck go listen to more lies from Control
  8. Niggas are saying we faked opts? just take the big fat L and stay quiet instead of saying thinks that doesn't make sense
  9. On this fine Sunday we pulled 40 strong apes later peaking at 44 strong motherfuckers ready to make @Control Pkeryell at his member to FUCKING RETURN !!!!! Today unfortunately AP spent their entire trip in singles like good pussies that they are buuuuuuuut ... The only time they stepped into multi was to get shitted on by us lmfao But they also thought they could 1v1 us in singles, well it ended up bad for them, our edge recruits who are experts at 1v1s cleared the shit out of them We forced Control Pker to logg in on his tank to call cause he was just shit basically @Sauce @DilL Todays trip was just us walking our dogs Enjoy @Dzekopov
  10. l0000000000000000000000000000000000000000l AP GOT FUCKED UP TODAY SHIT CLAN

  11. 40+ on ts btw stay ez retard l00000000000000000000000000000000000000000l
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