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Everything posted by Demon

  1. I thought that tyingdanegro guy had a pair of balls, boy did I think wrong @, he gave up without a fight. This is why I'll disown you if you become a bundle of twigs @, you turn into a pussy
  2. Wanna know where the justice is? A guy who threatened to dox other people got doxed, andre got what he deserved. @ deals some swift justice, @ you could learn a thing or two from him. I'd call you a hypocrite but your foreign brain wouldn't understand how to interpret it.
  3. You publicly bragged about avoiding preps against EOP for over a month and now think you have the moral highground to expect one? You're the definition of a spineless fuck and I laugh at the fact that you lost every prep you had last month and still claim to be better than average. You're currently losing a rivalry (wildy and cw) to Rage LMFAO. Maybe once you stop being a bunch of crying little bitches like @ you'll be granted the honor of prepping, because in the last two months you lost that by avoiding and crying like the 2016 clanner you are tldr cry more bitch, I enjoy collecting your tears
  4. So that's where my experiment that's missing a chromosome went off to, they're so hard to keep track of (them being mentally broccolied and all). Tell him to come back to the lab so I can give him the artificial chromosome I created to see if I can cure his condition
  5. Yo gimme a second dudes I've got to do my eyebrow makeup before I go on ice poseidons stream so I look like a chaos dwarf

  6. That's just embarrassing, look at this @. A 10 year old clan almost loses a F2P miniwar to a 6 month old P2P clan. That's like Floyd Mayweather almost losing a boxing fight to a 15 year old Conner McGregor doing MMA @, it should never happen.
  7. I didn't know you were an anime loving brony @, these guys are the worst of the worst. You'd find more enjoyment working for 50 cents a week at a Chinese sweatshop @, trust me
  8. See @, this sovirgin clans' boards are more boring than Gearhead explaining the gear wars. If I couldn't travel through space and time I'd say laughing at disabled kids was a waste of my day @ but I'm a fucking genius, so fuck these disabled purple hat wearers @ I could spend all day laughing at them racing their wheelchairs
  9. @ if you have any change left you should bet a few quarters on EoP winning this, Rage can't tell the difference between a strength potion and a saradomin brew. It's free money @
  10. You don't need to be a genius to know Rage are fucking trash @, comparing UB and Rage is like comparing your mom to a cronenberg @
  11. Nothing can be weirder than Sovereign going from 155 to 50 pulls in less than 24 hours
  12. You see this @? What did I tell you about thinking under-developed humans in this "Rage" group were capable of any forms of merit? I'm sorry @ but you didn't inherit my brains, you inherited Jerry's
  13. I've seen a lot of pathetic lifeforms getting annihilated before @, but these purple hat wearing cocks really put the icing on the cake
  14. As far as grandpa's concerned, you're a piece of brown sticky stuff Morty, and I can prove it mathematically.
  15. What is your real life name? Rick What are your hobbies? Drinking and adventure What is your RuneScape history? What What are your goals for your RuneScape account? Are you fucking with me What clan are you in? I'm a fucking genius so why would I be in one of these Anything else: This little bitch @ wouldn't shut up about this glipglup on the way to Blips and Chitz
  16. gj, easy fight lmao felt like they had 10 people
  17. l0l ur so brown sticky stuff doom kills u all day
  18. killed everyone in multi and now killing everyone in singles, feels good to be the top clan
  19. rethink what clan ur talking to when ur begging for help
  20. Most active, last clan standing and undefeated, what a time to be Doom
  21. All you can do is crash lmfao cant even fight properly
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