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Everything posted by 2k17clanner

  1. I heard UB had to compete with AAO today, Gj UB on your amazing trip :)

  2. Imagine being so bad at IRL that you take this game so serious to feel like you have a reason to live.
  3. 2rounds of 19v19 and one with 20v20 yet u decide to count it as a prep @@Moni? Even tho FI ranks themselves said they wouldt count the new sets for points, Anyway none of my business, gz UB on the prep (mini) win
  4. sorry i dont see 19v19 being a "reasonably high opt" but i guess when you are a SB overseer the rules doesnt apply to you.
  5. @@Kim @@Moni one of these sets is a mini btw 19v19 is not a prep
  6. Round 1: Unbreakable: 19/9 Fatality: 19/0 Round 2: Lost Round 3: Unbreakable: 20/12 Fatality: 20/0 this is not a prep wtf, this is a mini move this to minis ty
  7. This looks like a topic a losing clan needs to make to try to motivate their members not to give up after 2 weeks
  8. Win 1 prep and Win the rivalry ok i understand how it works now ty, sorry im new trying to learn clanning i remember when i was a virgin too
  9. in a unbiased POV it looks like UB is the most justin beiber community on this forum. Wins 1 prep where they lost 1 round and think opposite clan is gonna close
  10. its not hard to compete with mains hehe smh these UB kids are broccolied thinking a t6 alliance will come up when OP closed
  11. imagine caring so much about scammers in other clans when you scammed yourself in rage l000000000000l
  12. If there would be a rivarly i would almost feel bad for cabbage damage
  13. lmfao says the clan who cant setup fights and only crashes fights then claim will when other clans are out of pray etc lmfao
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