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Posts posted by Murd

  1. Can't really disagree with anything there. Members and ranks being involved in both scenes has definitely proven sour for the progress of the pure scene. This is particular with multiclanning (rev alliance) and members being poached from the pure clans involved (rot alliance). The scene gets a little smaller each time this issue peaks, as it has been a lingering issue since the beginning if 2020.


    At the end of the day, pure clans are being used as proxies for main clan beef so that no main clans need to take an official loss. Rage get smoked? Rev don't lose for propaganda purposes. Zenith/Apex get smoked? Rot don't lose for propaganda purposes. With this whole ordeal, pure clans lose out 100% of the time. In an ideal situation, yes multiclanning should be minimised, or non existant between the scenes if main clans are going to be anal about it.


    The ego issue is purely based on rivalries. The rage sided clans will all have clean action with eachother. The zenith sided clans will all have clean action with eachother. Due to not wanting to lose or wanting to grief their rivals with mains and 1 item rag (the no action for 'x' clan mentality), clans crashing aren't trying to form a cluster, they're trying to ruin their rival's action and turn it into the tine consuming ns wars at a 1 click return spot.


    And as @nawepointed out, avoider mentality is crazy right now. Clans that historically prepped everybody and competed for top matched spots now spend their time avoiding most clans. At the very least, more clans should be fighting regardless of their rivalries. Preps are perfect ego fuellers, they should be gunning for the clan wars wins as well over their rivals (but not go for a 1 and done if they win).


    One last note, a 1 Defence reset won't change all these cancerous mentalities, but it would be a very nice direction for the health of the scene and bringing in new blood. Generally, more seasoned clanners are the ones fine with defence. If we want lots of new blood, allowing a 1 Defence norm will advertise the scene very well.


    Edit: sorry, one more thing. Clans should stop wearing team capes on weekends IMO because it enables mains to be very actively involved. Clan cloaks won't stop it, but it'll stop a lot of the cancer and effectiveness of multi logs and click rag on weekends. Supremacy and Fo do this well, and from an observant point of view they don't seem to be involved with bringing mains personally. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Intensity said:

    What do you recognize Apex, Rage, BP, and OG as? Even LY? Every clan is guilty. 

    All I know is theres a whole lot of people that actually abandoned the pure scene to join main clans. Those same people are gonna be camped but certain clans thats just the way it is. 

    You aren't new to the scene. 

    The most amusing part of this is that each group of clans will have clean pure action with one another, but as soon as a rival crashes (usually with mains), it becomes cancer. Otherwise, it's generally very nice and proper.


    It should tell everyone that the scene isn't as hopeless as it seems, just that positive communication = results, but right now there is little positive communication between sides due to dishonesty and trying to gain the upper hand (false claims of no longer being main affiliated or bringing mains). Zenith and apex have clean fights with eachother, rage and og have clean fights,  etc etc. It can be done, the big question is will a bunch of grown men choose to on this wizard simulator.

  3. 1 hour ago, Winnetou said:

    The root causes of the current situtation (pure clans playing nh, main clans ragging pure clans) are these:

    1. The pking scene is dying (no bh, rev cave, pvmers in wildy). There are a lot less players now in the pking/clanning community. Without midweek pking there is not much reason to play (for many people doing inners and cwa is just not sufficient). I dont blame these people staying away from this game, not bonding their accounts just to have 2 pk trips at weekends.
    2. The few hundred players who are still doing clanning are mostly veterans and have hatred for each other. You should look into yourselves and find out what's wrong with what you are doing (only playing the game to ruin others' fun).

    Until any of these two gets fixed nothing is gonna get better here.

    It's kind of stuck in a loop at the moment. 

    "Rage brings rev and co, fuck rage ur camped" and that mentality remains regardless of mains or only pures.

    Same for zenith/apex and their allegiances with rot. Regardless of what z or apex do in the future, they will still be held responsible with a 'we don't forgive '.


    Once that loop finally breaks, it should be a little more likely for a less toxic scene.

  4. 1 hour ago, Winnetou said:

    The root causes of the current situtation (pure clans playing nh, main clans ragging pure clans) are these:

    1. The pking scene is dying (no bh, rev cave, pvmers in wildy). There are a lot less players now in the pking/clanning community. Without midweek pking there is not much reason to play (for many people doing inners and cwa is just not sufficient). I dont blame these people staying away from this game, not bonding their accounts just to have 2 pk trips at weekends.
    2. The few hundred players who are still doing clanning are mostly veterans and have hatred for each other. You should look into yourselves and find out what's wrong with what you are doing (only playing the game to ruin others' fun).

    Until any of these two gets fixed nothing is gonna get better here.

    It's kind of stuck in a loop at the moment. 

    "Rage brings rev and co, fuck rage ur camped" and that mentality remains regardless of mains or only pures.

    Same for zenith/apex and their allegiances with rot. Regardless of what z or apex do in the future, they will still be held responsible with a 'we don't forgive '.


    Once that loop finally breaks, it should be a little more likely for a less toxic scene.

  5. If the scene did transition to 1 defence again, I doubt it would go back to 25 defence as quickly as last time, considering the only reason people trained def again was because of clan wars and we know 80% of clans don't do that anymore.


    Optimistically; yes, a 1-5 defence scene would be very beneficial. Tanks will have less of a foothold against you, and if everyone's 1 defence then low level wildy fights won't be an issue, which also negates overpowered tanks (for he most part). Will a reset ever happen? Who knows, clans like zenith already have access to a memberbase of 1 def accounts, the deciding factor will be if clans can finally let go of the hands if main clans.

  6. 1 hour ago, Xx 360 no scope xX said:

    Rage was bringing mains before zenith even re opened this last time. It’s just an issue now because the shoes on the other foot. 

    Oh, it was still an issue when it was supremacy vs rage in a main war which if I recall, ended when rage overwhelmed supremacy's mains. And then before that it was other clans. The major difference between then and now? Pure clans weren't dictated by and aligned with main clans

  7. 11 hours ago, 0wl said:

    Yeah cause we’re supposed to let main clans kill our pures and do nothing about it?????

    fI / legashit / Og don’t have to rush us while we killed rev on our mains  they just do it for a cheap win 🤷🏻‍♂️ only to get cleared by Zenith and cry to Sharkbrew mods about Mains😂🤣



    all these clans use mains.

    Nice punishment don’t think it’s going to matter.

    Do you recall the moment zenith originally fully involved themselves in the main scene and rivalries? It was something along the lines of volunteeringly running in to aid apex/rot vs rev when fatality were camping you so that if they continued to hit you, you could get rot to turn on them. @Lee remember that 👀 


    Convincingly playing victim never was zenith's strong suit, was it? Clans kind of forgot, they didn't need to get involved in the main alliances 🙃

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