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Everything posted by IMK

  1. Seems like a good idea in theory, but in the event someone wants to have a civil argument with someone (shocking, I know) they wouldn't be able to if they're limited to 3 posts. Instead we would need to hamper down on people spamming, but people get uptight about any sort of moderation it seems.
  2. Why would revs not last? They're always going to be good money. And with more and more Craw's Bows Vig Maces coming into the game, they'll get cheaper and cheaper for regular players to eventually buy them, making revs even more profitable (for both PvMers and PKers). I doubt we'll see any PvP updates anytime soon, but I could see something by mid-2019. Hopefully anyway.
  3. Quite a read. Reminds me of that dude on Reddit who tried to convince people that Finland didn't exist. Think some conspiracy nuts ended up running with it for awhile unironically too.
  4. To be honest, flaming a clan for using mains while doing it yourself (even in retaliation) makes it worth less. Why not take the high road and make IR look shit by sticking to only pures? Retaliating will just make other clans follow suit.
  5. It's a good message, but probably falling on deaf ears. I don't think many people avoid PKing/PvP because they're bad. Because there are a lot of bad PKers. Especially in multi. Fact of the matter is some people just don't find it fun. Not everyone has the same likes and dislikes. I love multi PKing/Warring, but can't stand single PKing. Well, PKing solo rather. But some people prefer it that way. Bit of irony though. I assume this guy just sits in PvP worlds and NHs because if he were deep or affiliated with literally any single clan he wouldn't be making a statement about pures being the toxic ones. No one doxes/ddoses/hacks more than single clans/teams.
  6. If this is real, jesus... If your boy needs a gram that bad, I can spot you dude
  7. Interesting concept/system, but don't think many people care about it.
  8. Depends on the clan. I've seen some clans use it as a low PK Leader-type rank (e.g. Cutthroat), but others have used it for higher ranks such as Co-Leader.
  9. Ah yes just what I need at 3:30am, vellez screaming large in my ear
  10. Should buy a lottery ticket with that luck instead of wasting it on specs
  11. Just saying. OT: Putting my first child's college fund on this.
  12. Don't use audio for either side, let chaos reign
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