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Everything posted by Pkeru

  1. Was easy hahaha gz ly. Better luck next time cd
  2. So big bad ly pulled 70+ while CD pulled 25ish and ended after 30 mins. 


    Join legacy btw

    1. Munqki


      Arent u in foe?

    2. Pkeru


      Nop left foe. Foe pulls 100 to just walk around. Legit booooring.

    3. Matti


      bark for me you fucking dog

  3. Cringe topic from a cringe guy looool
  4. Imagine having a aftermath with 10 pics, no vid and all pics are just members running around rev caves shooting arrows at randoms #justcdthings

  5. But you cant last 10 mins with foe Rolf. Stupid retard keep fighting low tier clans. Maybe you will get in foe quality
  6. How do you pull the same amount of opts during midweeks and weekends rolf
  7. You're clan is legit crap. You cant even put up a fight in wildy without being clear in .5
  8. You're clan is dogshit. Ty 4 members. Rolf
  9. Let's not forget it's been a month since shit apex even tried to put up a fight in wildy with 30+ mains 20 pures and 30 rot kids assisting them vs FOE. Keep crying about prepping if you cant compete in wildy.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Deserie


      fommas been below apex for years now l0l kiss the ring ratatouille

    3. `Prod


      "Stay below me" youre the threshold of bottom tier and low class , stay easy retard 

    4. Pkeru


      @prod lmfao shut up 4ner. I'm white, rich and good looking. Dumb nig

  10. Let be honest. CD has been pulling 40s for 2 weeks now and brought mains first (I think) either way stop with the propaganda topics lol legacy is getting there too pulling 40s soon
  11. @DilLyou're a slave.  I blame you for xlpc dieing 

    1. Show previous comments  49 more
    2. Shife


      am laughin at u. indian small dick loser sat at home one new years stalker me l0l.

    3. MAGICfrmda6
    4. Shife
  12. I said it when they started to pipe a month ago. It shouldn't be long..lool
  13. How about I camp you. Fs dead. Thank Godea for the free leaks my boy coming thru.
  14. Lmao CD losing to a rev team..
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