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Everything posted by Berto

  1. "Return return return" Keep losing ur sets apex
  2. You haven't beaten supremacy in any form for months on end, you should probably pipe down and accept a fight or sumthing.
  3. Waited 2 hours for us to drop ops and still got bullied outa the wild. New year, same result. Just close IR
  4. just like every other clan on rs. Some alright geezers majority spastics.
  5. 'tis a meme section it don't have to make sense
  7. clan wars killed pure clanning. Turned them all into little bitches with their mini's n matched preps. Killed the like 30 min prep PKRI's where people would return and not just bail and spam shit.
  8. My baby Ham, still too autistic to use his mic but still slaying clans with pixels.
  9. Pure weekend trips are more active. aside from that in terms of calling, quality and general relevance mains take it in every aspect.
  10. Is it even classed as a rivalry when IR literally just get raped every single weekend just like their members did growing up?
  11. both clans should just reopen as main clans, may cure half the retardation from both sides. maybe.
  12. Berto


    you're all fucking stupid. gj
  13. nah everyone still acts like kids. It won't change anytime soon.
  14. Nice action, nice win. bless all the salty kids MUADDD ur clan actually does something midweek. Back to practicing inners just to get cleared every weekend.
  15. last time you started brown sticky stuff they ruined your trips until you closed... you sure about this lads.
  16. lpcs bringing mains donald sighhhhhhh But looked fun gj
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