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Everything posted by Geno

  1. imp were good when we fought them, not surprised fo lost if they didnt have their callers on.
  2. So many people crawl out of the woodwork to try and get a piece when TLP looks like they are weak and then quietly stfu after they get fed the dick. Must feel really brown sticky stuff for them to be consistently fed the dick by a clan they say can't compete. lmfao.
  3. you always try and step to tlp when it looks like they are doing badly, then you crawl back into your hole when they get back on top ;/ when will you learn.
  4. wtf is that poverty fucking gear that ur using. smh
  5. what sorta prices have people been paying for them and how much do you think they will stabilize at?
  6. this is a miniwar can you calm down pls
  7. was actually fun prepping Imp. Nice one.

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