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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. Seems like the was more than one clan involved tbh lol
  2. Envy has closed and opened more times than any other clan and people still think they have a chance? lol.
  3. Yep, got a few turning up and if worst comes to worst people know VR are 100% out.
  4. I mean there is that as you mentioned and also the fact that not many clans pk as much in general anymore... Which lets hope can change i guess.
  5. https://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/forum/327-wilderness/ SV,VR,JAJA,Vengeance,Divine Forces,Renegades... Looks more than 2 to me.. Hopefully this sparks more overall clan activity.
  6. Unless clans randomly change their approach then i don't see this happening if its a "clan" of the month then shouldn't that exclude teams? But in general clans don't do CWA anyway. It's pretty much the same recycled members from clans who don't do clan wars basically wanting to do clan wars.
  7. I've set the world to world 10, this is subject to change tho if anything happens (which i doubt)
  8. Welcome bro. Main/zerk section is here if you want to have a look: https://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/forum/385-runite-community-discussion/
  9. Hopefully we can help move the main scene more forward in the upcoming weeks.
  10. To show everyone how chit Nodari is, but the pic was basically explaining that they kept on killing us when we was trying to pvm so we geared to kill them.
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