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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. More or less but it's not really a cluster its just basically to ensure more clans go out
  2. More main clans are constantly getting active now and there's action almost everyday which is a good sign Top 5 overall clans: ROT REV CT SV Jaja Top 5 most active clans: VR SV Jaja CT REV
  3. Looked fun, you guys have rebuilt that's for sure... Hopefully we can have some fun scraps soon @Sybren
  4. Our pull also wasn't as big as the majority but we hit a few CC teams too which was fun, u guys would also have fun doing that!
  5. CT's topic lol, if ur gona claim u destroyed them in a 1v1 atleast avoid the other ally clan actually posting that they was also hitting SV SV and Jaja began fighting and we quickly swooped in for some pay back. We destroyed SV callers camping them to the point where they returned in full diary gear or nothing at all
  6. Obviously it wasn't so much of a cluster but most clans ended up prepping and going out with some good numbers. VR will be doing the same again next week so hopefully more will keep joining us so we can all get some good action.. Lets keep the clan world active. Calendar event here:
  7. The idea atm is to keep doing the P2P Sunday's then hopefully get the F2P going after a few weeks, obviously it will be tough tho but just like yesterday all it takes is for everyone to know one clan is prepping and they all do the same.. Main idea is to get everyone more action again and make the scene more active, rivalries aside it did work yesterday and hopefully it will next week too.
  8. Chris-

    Main night out

    Like on the 23rd clans will be massing up on Sunday and prepping for their highest pull.. Come join us as its guaranteed action for your clan! I
  9. It's possible if clan leaders can talk over it and work something out
  10. Kinda looked obvious judging by the vids/pics that FOE beat down both EOP and IR
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