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Status Updates posted by Kat💖

  1. People still arguing about who's the biggest loser

    1. Crow Gang

      Crow Gang

      na marcsaw won that award already apparently

  2. Lmfao hassan been slaving for envy for the past 6 years only to get kicked from his own clan 

  3. Who would pay for envy leaderboards lol

  4. 100+ mains on Saturday 

    1. Juicy


      your clan is going xlpc next week, l000000000000000000l

    2. Tyrone
    3. Red Vision
  5. big tings coming for envy 

  6. b on this weekend to waste your life for the 254th week in a row 

    1. Peace seeker

      Peace seeker

      This weekend is my 300th actually, l0l0l0l ripp

    2. Big Meat
  7. @slushpuppy @puppyslush appreciation status update. we love u bro and keep it up fam

  8. sharkbrew is a good website with unbiased mods and an unbiased host.


  10. 20 envy pures 60 mains this sat

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Red Vision

      Red Vision

      No flame but, is it annoying to double log? Like doesn't this main shit get old?

    3. Jamie ツ

      Jamie ツ

      @Satans when are you gonna donate me back my sb sheckles brother :68747470733a2f2f63646e2e646973636f72646170702e636f6d2f656d6f6a69732f3335373531333133393438343336303730352e706e67:

    4. Bryan
  11. ev on my fking d man

    1. Enza


      team 39 on my back

  12. why is rat @Big Meat making status updates like he goes to trips and is active? Kids hasn't been on in 2 months 

    1. Big Meat

      Big Meat

      Killin clans through my iphone 8 plus #gangshit @Goat Elmir

    2. Kat💖
    3. Enza
  13. if anyone still wants an aao rank leak lmk :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Royce


      Envy closed get over it dumbass 😂

    3. Proccy


      Because when envy were open this 'rank leak' helped you out a ton LOOOOL

    4. Jimi


      yea sure pm me lol

  14. i miss the old envy

    1. TheReal


      i went on teamspeak the other day and literally didn't know anyone lol

    2. Ebag


      From something to nothing

  15. dum ass jagex with the duel update. making it so easy to hasta/rapier people smfh

  16. this poop clan nightmare talks way to much shit. cya tmw

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DilL


      LOL you left supremacy to take slave officer in envy

    3. Ebag
    4. Satans


      Wait do EnVy do lpc Sat then go out xlpc Sun?? 

  17. aao had 35 massing at graves for 10 mins while their mains hit us at corp with our 60! SAD

  18. thinking about giving my aao leak a raise cause hes so good lmao @Don Elmir

  19. just plugged one of my envy leaks thanks aao ;]

    1. Cody9204


      hassan and whoever this moama weirdo already confirmed you didnt have a leak lol

      meanwhile they just released another audio leak on you

    2. Don Elmir

      Don Elmir

      I have a staff leak in AAO lmfao

    3. White Kid

      White Kid

      u finally got him, gratz envy

  20. going to use my aao rank leak join.me this weekend woooooooooo

  21. heard @Don Elmir got big intel on aao coming out soon. 

  22. @King Koer Jr gl finding my guy :P

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Kat💖


      who cares about audio l0l wtf is wrong with u dude 

    3. Cute Cub

      Cute Cub

      you have all this talk of leak but post nothing?!! I’ll give you 30m if you plug my leak by next week :]

    4. Ebag


      Selling envy TS pm me. highest offer currently $29

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