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Everything posted by Nos

  1. Those was the fucking days. I'm happy that the pure scene finally came to it's senses and became one scene but you can't even call half the clans legit clans and are nothing more than a rev/open cc/p2p/team kind of thing. Still, action is action and I welcome more in the coming future.
  2. Youre right. You're not FOE equal. You're below FOE.
  3. I would say it's breaking news that outrage is a steaming pile of feces, but people already knew that development.
  4. Yeah stick to not playing the game then if that's the conclusion you came up with.
  5. Outrage is irrelevant. I'm not sure why people are taking this clan seriously.
  6. Nos


    When are these clans going to do officials? That's the better question.
  7. Never going to happen. If the community can't even agree as a whole to stop bringing mains to trips or strip training defence and keeping it clean, THERES NO WAY IN HELL TELEPORTING WILL BE ABOLISHED. Most of these virgins leading clans has a better chance of getting laid than to ever do anything of the above. It's sad and goes to show how seriously grown people take this old arse game.
  8. Not bad. But you should consider changing those capes so you don't blend in with a certain clan.
  9. I'm impressed. You guys found a niche and is actually improving in this scene. If you can come out on Saturdays and participate in the f2p trips whlist also honing your craft as a quality lil guy clan then I expect great things from you in the future.
  10. Ah now this is the rage I remember. Congrats on a successful trip. However, if you guys can pull these kinds of numbers, why was you so content on pulling 30-40s and being mediocre when you reopened? Clearly you're more than capable of that. I'm glad you're picking up where you left off two years ago and keep up the good work and reach that full potential I seen in this clan for years.
  11. It's going to be hilarious when this clan filled with "kids that begun planning this year" beats your dogshit remake of a clan arse and closes it in the near future.
  12. If you haven't noticed the pure scene has gotten worse over the years. Nothing like what it was pre eoc.
  13. Slaughter vs rage. It's one of the classic David vs goliath rivalries where slaughter had all of the experience members and rage had members who was virgins when it comes to pure clanning. It was amazing to see rage overcome the odds and turn the rivalry to their favour and thus winning the rivalry by closing slaughter. The fact that it isn't listed at all when it was one of the first original rivalries baffles me.
  14. Come on mate stop with the propaganda. That wasn't even close to what actually happened. And "quitting" is putting it nicely.
  15. Delusion is grandeur after all. Hopefully you'll stick around instead of disappearing for two years after your last failed attempt to beat FOE.
  16. Heard it all before. When are you going to get tired repeating the same shite for years and still be wrong? Doesn't that get boring?
  17. Nos


    This man is correct
  18. Or just open as an lpc? I don't understand the appeal of wasting time and resources on opening a clan just to close it months later when the scene inevitably dies again.
  19. Runescape the game where adults in their 20s-30s still act like fucking degenerative imbeciles on an outdated computer game. The fact this is still a thing in 2019 completely baffles me. Get some help please.
  20. Damn it feels good to live rent free inside your head.
  21. Good job. Keep up the good work.
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