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Status Updates posted by Victory

  1. c449e2f403366e94203dad6ae1385334.png

    1. Victory


      @Proccyas you can see mate - the reason why you're so far away is because you ran to single!

      @orgasms help him out will you!

  2. Mains? No problem.

    1. 0ldschooler


      70v100 lmfao


      crawl back to ur hole

  3. https://gyazo.com/f2f07ae40d6dc2226b0e6106d4f2483a


    Jesus christ it feels good winning!

    1. Victory


      @Herbo@Co0kiezs watch and maybe u can win a fight too!


    Good throwback to fat fuck k2p crying 'we're done' and some random dutch kid crying his clan broke?

    Can't wait for this anni ;)

    1. Htown


      I'm reading this in your voice and just can't take you seriously.

  5. No way that guy's a sharkbrew moderator!

    1. Brock Lesnar

      Brock Lesnar

      cringe, he was in rage for years and now a randy like you who joined rage 3 months ago flames him.

  6. crazy fo kids writing paragraphs after rage farmed them all night leaving them to run away and (get another) fake ending!


    1. orgasms


      look at my victim finally speaking while his random founder gave up

      clearly foe was last clan standing! dont rag fight foe you will end up losing

  7. zenith on fo ts and they still don't have 100 combined!

    keep moving afk's into channel - we see everything!

    1. orgasms


      lmao 0 zenith in our ts try again JAJAJJA

  8. if any1 wants to f2p + p2p prep the kings next week give me a pm on irc

  9. It took from January-March to completely dismantle FO: more than half their members/ranks guested, 20 pulls from 80, no leadership and no memberbase. No quality, no quantity.

    Fo is dead and will never recover

    1. Erik


      I’m impressed you haven’t clanhopped from that main clan yet!

  10. Who remembers when..... nevermind this is getting boring

    1. Tictac



  11. lets keep spamming an award made on a pedo discord inhabited by pedos and ignore rage's 6 month cotm streak

    no wonder orgasms uses a alt ID now - you wouldn't want to know who he used to be!

    1. orgasms


      Rage remember this.


  12. GJ on Rage for already taking the #2 spot from now-snipe team Divine!

  13. Tip to Fatality: if you're pulling 50% of your ML you might want to do an inactivity sweep...

    1. Lumpeh


      Nobody even knows what clan you're in anymore

  14. apex and zenith had to call both sv and rot, but there truly was no saving them

    better luck next time

  15. can't wait for fo's anni next year for the same again!

    1. Andre


      heard u quit rs tho

  16. after winning my brewcup prep (ty lads was a close and good fight) i decided to scout around the wilderness, imagine my suprise when fo rushed ly with mains and got shat on!

    Who led that trip? I'd be ashamed!


    1. Adam Son

      Adam Son

      weird yee mind haha

  17. We're hoping this fine form doesn't deter Apex and Fo from fighting us for the Sharkbrew 40v40 Tourny as thus far we've been unsuccessful at getting these events setup, despite our best efforts.  If you're in Apex or Fo, ask your leaders why they aren't responding to my pms.

  18. [21:14:00] im broccolied! [21:14:08] I'm mentally challanged!

  19. fo should really prep rage L00000000000000000L

    dw fat k2p i wouldn't if i was u either

  20. why are slumping clans who ragged pures with mains and denied pure v pure 1v1s now bragging about safe area clanwars? It's because rage fucked them so hard on their anni they won't enter the wilderness.

    Preps are for during the week mate

  21. yo sovereign u ok?

  22. CP did p2p today....... After all CP can't do P2P and EoP #1 p2p..... An eop member lost his ags to cp leader LMFAO http://www.august4th.us/up/f2b118c25d458bcc738f04942f137805.png

  23. Crazy how people actually think fo and apeg are top tier cwa clans

    There is a reason why they avoid the top clans (Rage, FI)!

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