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Everything posted by IamjohnC

  1. Sup -5 points for using mains haha! xD you guys suck sooo much it makes me giggle haha

  2. tbh this video shows how bad you're actually I'm actually amazed how they didn't kill you haha, you stick out 70% of the whole video.. atleast you fucked up 3at longdickstyle
  3. Nice community event! goodjob everyone.

  4. nice action, looking forward for more
  5. these mini's are fun asf! lookin forward for more to bad I wasn't there
  6. I remember you guys had to retaliate with mains in 2k16.. what nope, big yes
  7. It seems you guys still have 1-5def. I dig that also like the outfit, goodluck ruthless!
  8. AH OEH FRESH OUTTA BED s u p dead
  9. let's keep it this way, and with upcoming clan updates maybe we have new clan's reopening! I'm looking forward to 25def maxed worlds. Imagine how the pure scene would grow
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