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Koed Beastly

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Everything posted by Koed Beastly

  1. *Sarcasm* Do you know it? I doubt EOP would have Misfits invites considering they call Misfits FOM's dogs... hmmm
  2. Horrible 1'th of april joke attempt from their part. Please educate them EOP.
  3. Dscim / staff bash: Have you ever heard of it?! Looks like a fun event nevertheless!
  4. LOOL Moni macaroni wins again
  5. EOP had the best trip for sure sup with the 20 / 30 def accounts tho?
  6. P2P friday / sunday and I’ll force Misfits to go out on f2p saturday.
  7. Oh trust me, we had some big discussions BTS. Not everyone in the rank team was amused with that post and that’s an understatement Soo I totally understand your frustrations and doubts. Thanks dude
  8. Convincing win! SUP underperformed in this one If only Misfits would do f2p I’d attempt to take that belt xd
  9. hmu when you are more reasonable and unbiased.
  10. It’s an expected decision considering his actions negatively affected both the xlpc scène as our rank team. Hoping to welcome Tyen back to the rank team soon nevertheless.
  11. I’ve been clanning since 2004 I’ve been in EOP for 1,5 year around the 2009-2010 period, recruited by Tastemyscim Yes I’m very new xd
  12. You are well aware that it isnt okay. If you would only be more active on the staff chat you would know...
  13. A fullout takes place in CW FOE doesnt want to fight at GDZ be the bigger of the 2 and p2p AND f2p fullout them in CW?
  14. I am as dutch as you are Mexican. I dont agree to those mains, nor do I accept such behavior either. But this announcement has nothing got to do with Tyen, soo I dont know why people mix up things. P.S. Feel free to talk to me / make topics about how outragious the use of mains in xlpc is...
  15. He isnt 'hosting' the COTM system by himself. He made the topic in regard to COTM because of the fact that the other ranks involved in the system, such as myself, were to busy IRL to make such topic with decent timing. It worries me to read the amount of hate he receives, considering the fact that Tyen puts in effort, where other clans' representatives fail to step up to become a sharkbrew rank and make the changes happen that they want to see.
  16. Good one! xD I disagree with you Pug I think preps are just fine the way they are. However... It would be nice to see that clans could agree to Oldschool rules for preps every once in a while -> Bring back the DDS, ballista off, rune crossbow, etc etc
  17. wow that's some dope artwork right there!
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