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Status Updates posted by Satans

  1. Imagine being an Insecure freak who hides behind an anon. account, feelsbadman

  2. Imagine being led by @Ace Kravepoor lil freak

  3. Imagine breaking after 45mins and logging mid-fight vs Z, while the Z capes are split and CD is East killing Fi's ally Ly

    Hahah take the L and pipe down



  4. It's nearly 2K18 and we still have snipe teams, lmfao. 

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. CD15134562345
    3. ErectDDS


      Yup low tier forever brown sticky stuff clan CD

    4. CD15134562345


      CD accomplished more in 1 year as pures than Ruin ever did in their entire existence.

      - Killed Op/Rage/Doom/Envy and many more

      - Took #1 and Pulled 100 for 5+ months straight

      - Killed the MPC Scene

      - Revived the XLPC Scene

      I can go on and on but that's enough education for a irrelevant randy like yourself 

      Just know that CD stays winning and there's plenty of salty kids like you who hate us because we killed their clans buddy

  5. Join #1 xlpc CD for the best rank structure and strongest member-base in the scene, easy pickings

  6. Join CD for lpc

    Join OB for xlpc

  7. Join CD xlpc btw

  8. Join EoP now before it's too late, bonus if you got refs.

  9. Join the GMT vs. EST war using Sharkbrew discord and post your RSNs to be added

    100v100 fullout inc.

  10. Join Zenith btw

    Plz & ty

    #1 fun

  11. Join;
    Zenith lpc
    Rampage xlpc
    - tyvm

  12. Join:
    #1 lpc EoP - eop-rs.org
    #1 xlpc CD - criticaldamage.org

  13. Jump off the sinking uB ship now weak kids

  14. Lelouch vi Britannia!

    1. Yaz


      I can see you are a man of class

    2. Yaz


      I can see you are a man of class

    3. Yaz


      Come AAO discord sunshine 

  15. Life tip: Don't take Runescape so seriously lol, some of you kids get so worked up

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Niblet


      nighty night buddy, i would say get some rest but, but rest is for the working folk!

    3. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      You were spamming my notifications with words that seem to tell the story of a triggered man. I had to intervene else your blood pressure would skyrocket and you wouldn't be able to backup call for outburst this weekend.

    4. Satans


      Lol u guys ;p

  16. Liverpool or Real Madrid?? Not a big fan of either but keen for Salah to pull off some magic and an upset

  17. Lmfao @ foe & EnVy

  18. Lmfao at beta cucks who want def on their accounts

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Brap


      agreed satans ub is a bottom feeder clan.. literally

    3. Acid


      pretty sure you witnessed me smoke him and several others at the lever Alb you pussy 

    4. Albania


      ye 100% sure i saw you gasping for air after he was slicing your throat with a massive ags lmfao

  19. LMFAO Outburst & Doom not in their capes again hahaha feels good to be Fearless.

  20. Lmfao uB I told u

  21. Lol fom, trying so hard ^_^

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