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Everything posted by Caroline

  1. The Siege owls massed up a mighty 55 to smoke Fi on our opening F2P trip! Was very successful and kept Fi raging all trip! -Good job boys- @Trajan's POV  Trip Summary: fight 1 Siege vs Fatality Fatality refused to fight us 1v1 today. We got an opportunity to finally hit them in pay to play world while they were in Multi. We took what looked like our only chance to hit them in 1v1. The fight was heavily in our favor the whole time, despite Vendetta crashing, we managed to keep the fight in our favor. Siege started returning in P2P gear shortly after while Fatality was still returning in F2P[???]. It was quite clear Siege was the better clan, returning was on point and Fi's wasn't. We pushed them South to singles where they tele'd out to regroup. Usually I would say good fight, but this was a pretty poor attempt by you Fatality.  fight 2 Siege vs Fatality After waiting around 30 minutes for Fi to grow some balls and come to a F2P world they thought it was a good decision to rush us in singles. They were cleared in singles mind you in minutes. We chased them to South West graves where they called to called to log out giving Siege yet another win. fight 3 Siege vs. Vendetta + Fatality The last fight started off vs Vendetta, a minute or so in Fatality crashed the fight. We went down a few opts, but with our superior returning we were able to gain the lead in seconds pushing Fatality to the ditch, and forcing them to end their trip short with a whole 30 members. - Better luck tomorrow -
  2. ISIS-controlled Syria why do we get these guys??!! wth!
  3. I gave you the one owl, you said it didn't work or something
  4. Hat is the same a Apex's, Idk where to get a different owl from lol
  5. Can you had like a little owl emoji with a hat on?? - Siege
  6. Bring back Pure COTM
  7. It's not we specialize strictly in not being a clan and do raids 24/7
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