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Everything posted by JoJo

  1. JoJo

    He's back

    Strap in baby lmfao
  2. Strap in fom lmfao. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. H I T T A

      H I T T A

      @Big Bad Eagle dude I am legitimately just wondering what they're even talking about? LOL hiding all of Sunday or what like what is it nigga has happened for foe to "strap in"? You got your new\old leader back who never made a difference to begin with? LOL IGHTYYY THENNN 

    3. Big Bad Eagle

      Big Bad Eagle

      maybe @Pain will come out of retirement aswell?? l0l

    4. H I T T A

      H I T T A

      lmfao well gl to that fat nigga then

  3. fucking smoked lmfao this is just the beginning strap up @Erik @King of kings @Yentll
  4. EOP ends fom in 50 mins LMFAO what the fuck happened retards

  5. l00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000l
  6. Friendly reminder that i closed CP/UB/SV/IMP and i'm pissing on all of their graves lmfaoooo

  7. @Tannie how many mains would u mass up to hit eop in a 2v3 at ca?
  8. Wouldn't be close at all lol fom would get fucking smoked
  9. I'd like to hear your argument as to why the "quality and competition" was better in pre-eoc when everyone was 14 years old and literally did not know how to even call scim pushes back then lol.
  10. dont see the problem here looks like sup got outmained and outplayed at their own game, prepare better next time or dont bring mains.
  11. why is this even a topic as if fom hasn't been avoiding apex for the last 4 months of a prep let alone a fullout The fact that ppl expect anything from a braindead spinless leadership like fom honestly blows me away
  12. why do u sound like a pelican on steroids l0000000l
  13. EoP has dominated fom literally the last 2 years lmfao they take 1 weekend off us (ye everyone freaks out bc that legit never happens l0l) and all of a sudden people start dick riding fom. When you are the undisputed #1 pure clan for 2+ years straight then come talk to me.
  14. so many emotional kids on this game lmfao, good banter tho. meanwhile im still rich, white, good looking, and have a 3.9 GPA with a successful career ahead of me l0l
  15. If they were smart a few of them would merge so they actually have a chance lol none of them will make it more than 6 months (if they do they'll be completely irrelevant) btw and u can quote me on this
  16. JoJo


    @YOOITZKID is brown irl with acne and got doxed by his own HC l00000000l shit skinned reject
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