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Favorite Rivalry


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Self explanatory topic, what is/was your favorite rivalry you have either participated in or witnessed.


My personal:


1) EOP v. FI rivalry (October 2K14-January 2k15) EoP Won


2. EoP V CP rivalry (Sept 2k14- November 2k14) EoP Won


3. Eop v Foe rivalry ( February 2k15 - May 2k15) One could argue Foe won but tbf EOP closed on it's own terms before the finish.


Post your own!


CP slumped you into a 10 man pulled and made cronic attend foe events, the rivalry was over after that. eop has no history.

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NmE + Malice vs EF + O - Pretty one sided rivalry, team-green was far superior to team :( (purple)


EoP vs CP/Fi/DP 2010-early 2011 - Basically in order to gain momentum in order to compete with the top 2 (FoE/MM), EoP had to re-organize itself after having Zenith and Epidemic mass close and then immediately mass leave them in the year leading up to the MM rivalry. However, after successfully putting Fi on the backstep so severely that they had to team with CP and TLP just to be able to stay out of the lobby during PK trips, which then allowed EoP to slump DP into closure, however CP were able to mass-recruit and gain enough momentum/opts that going into 2011 CP managed to pull 90+ on their 1st trip of the year.

Thankfully CP were so brown sticky stuff that 60 EoP were able to clear 90 CP 2 times Saturday alone, and then crash them later on and further demoralize their new members. CP then went into a nice little slump which freed EoP up to further punish Fi, sending them from 40 pulls to 20 pulls whilst at the same time beginning their rivalry with MM.

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CP slumped you into a 10 man pulled and made cronic attend foe events, the rivalry was over after that. eop has no history.

If you listen to CP propaganda then there's no reason to argue with you as you're obviously an tomato, but since you brought it up:

We never pulled 10. The trip we attended with Fo was when I wasn't online and no one else was capable of leading unfortunately. We still pulled 20 to this trip though.


CP was only able to compete with us because SV turned into a main clan and teamed with CP every trip, while CP also had 10+ Zu invites every trip+others from other LPCS...


If you don't believe that then tell me why when Fi/Cp/EOP moved to LPC times cp's pulls went from 50 to 20 and stayed like that up untill like 3 weeks ago?


CP's probably been the worst clan to stay alive as long as they have, their peak was on 07. That says enough alone.

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The best rivalries for me are the ones that have a back and forth, the hating each other part just makes it a bonus.


Redemption and Zerg Unit didn't like each other, but it's clear RD were just better and I don't really recall them losing to Zu much.. those are more like a superior clan just picking on an inferior one


Foe v Mm was good because it was like a forever thing, both clans would beat each other, didn't like each other and it rarely (maybe besides HF targeting FOE in P2P) got too cancerous


Foe-EoP in 2009/2010 and even in 2015 had the dislike and the back and forth, although in 2015 it was a bit more too the 'cancerous' side it was still one of the better ones in 07

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EOP vs HZ would have to be my personal favorite only because it was one that I took on alone as a solo leader and closed them myself (with everyone that was a member at that time obviously). The closure of HZ led to EOP's uprising on 07 because of the fact that it was undeniable that we were the reason they closed. Our members knew it and got a fat ego boost off it.



EOP vs Fi was great just becuause a few clans before us had tried to knock Fi off their high horse (MM/Sv/Fo) but couldn't. Where they failed, EOP succeded. This was a major accomplishment, not only did we take #1 from them, we slumped them to 30-40 pulls for 4-5 months.



EoP vs Fo seemed over to me when Fo cancled their trips for Easter or some brown sticky stuff? The only possible reason for Fo to do that would be because they were scared to face EOP alone.. Simple. But EOP vs Fo would of for sure continued if we didn't close.



EoP vs CP as I mentioned in another post above was a joke lmfao. Cp never stood a chance alone. They either had Proximity/Sv/Zu helping them, when their help went away they slumped and are still in the same slump.


EOP vs MM pre EOC, self explanatory.

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EOP vs HZ would have to be my personal favorite only because it was one that I took on alone as a solo leader and closed them myself (with everyone that was a member at that time obviously). The closure of HZ led to EOP's uprising on 07 because of the fact that it was undeniable that we were the reason they closed. Our members knew it and got a fat ego boost off it.



EOP vs Fi was great just becuause a few clans before us had tried to knock Fi off their high horse (MM/Sv/Fo) but couldn't. Where they failed, EOP succeded. This was a major accomplishment, not only did we take #1 from them, we slumped them to 30-40 pulls for 4-5 months.



EoP vs Fo seemed over to me when Fo cancled their trips for Easter or some brown sticky stuff? The only possible reason for Fo to do that would be because they were scared to face EOP alone.. Simple. But EOP vs Fo would of for sure continued if we didn't close.



EoP vs CP as I mentioned in another post above was a joke lmfao. Cp never stood a chance alone. They either had Proximity/Sv/Zu helping them, when their help went away they slumped and are still in the same slump.


EOP vs MM pre EOC, self explanatory.

Just so you realize, foe closed eo 2 times in 2 weeks. Pretty one sided rivalry to me l0l
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NmE + Malice vs EF + O - Pretty one sided rivalry, team-green was far superior to team :( (purple)


EoP vs CP/Fi/DP 2010-early 2011 - Basically in order to gain momentum in order to compete with the top 2 (FoE/MM), EoP had to re-organize itself after having Zenith and Epidemic mass close and then immediately mass leave them in the year leading up to the MM rivalry. However, after successfully putting Fi on the backstep so severely that they had to team with CP and TLP just to be able to stay out of the lobby during PK trips, which then allowed EoP to slump DP into closure, however CP were able to mass-recruit and gain enough momentum/opts that going into 2011 CP managed to pull 90+ on their 1st trip of the year.

Thankfully CP were so brown sticky stuff that 60 EoP were able to clear 90 CP 2 times Saturday alone, and then crash them later on and further demoralize their new members. CP then went into a nice little slump which freed EoP up to further punish Fi, sending them from 40 pulls to 20 pulls whilst at the same time beginning their rivalry with MM.



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