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Everything posted by Vanuckle

  1. Not that I really care, but from what I can see, BSA shouldn't have lent out his acc with so much gp on it, no question. Appears to be simp-like behaviour. The discord conversation seems sketch af from this Sara girl imo. Reads like she was baiting the whole time. Definitely not hard to believe she took the gp, trained the def as a troll and ran. So all in all seems like this BSA guy isn't the brightest bulb in the kitchen and could possibly be a simp. This girl pulled a scumbag move, got caught and now is suffering the consequences. Open and shut case.
  2. Good fight both sides and grats WL.
  3. Not great proof. Would probably want to see more if you want real action to be taken. But if it is true, a very scummy move. Probably not the type of person I'd want in my clan personally lol, but I guess that's runies in 2020.
  4. Looks like fun, never seen a war in varrock sewers before.
  5. Congrats on 1 year and nice action out there.
  6. We're taking over again.
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