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Everything posted by Pigwrestler7

  1. Some very convenient fade outs in that POV gz on 1 year I guess
  2. Dude from frontline complaining about doxing?
  3. Name - Unbreakable 
    Status- Broken 
  4. Watch Fatality’s quality fall through the fucking floor haha
  5. This. Fo still sitting on the sidelines (and have been for a year) not trying to demoralise their bot members with ft50 events, but somehow feel the need to pipe up here. Thanks for the action rage.
  6. 353 deaths wtf is wrong with you lmfao
  7. You’re rivalling BP right now... And your point is also completely irrelevant. The fact is that you’re pulling high along with four other clans and would rather focus on those pulling 25 less than you over those pulling 5-10 more. If you’re worried about your quality feel free to pm anyone in Apex to give you a run down on 2v2s.
  8. 65 pull but spent the entire trip hitting clans that had ~40 cmon lol
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