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Everything posted by Jail`

  1. Ty @Jimi and @Pun you watch your mouth, put some respek on the greatest XLPC to ever live, Impact
  2. Im probably the smartest rank to ever play runescape but that's just my logical and perfectly sounds opinon
  3. @Tannie If I remember you abandoned us because 4 people didn't get an AGS split. Check mate was EZ Jail #1
  4. you are the loving mother who spoils them, I am the father who beats them and molds them into strong warriors
  5. I gave birth to half of the rank team in Fearless @Tannie put some respek on it
  6. Xlpc scene consists of Envy v55/Bad Timing (what kind of name is that) and Ascent. Not enough competition to bring me out of retirement
  7. Literally never been more excited for anything in my entire life please sign me up
  8. If you got a baby pure and you BH pk in w318 on it 50-60 cb send me a pm :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ace Krave
    3. Lufffy


      should i just get 50 atk on my 40 atk 88 str/83 range acc

    4. Jail`


      If you learn the ways of insta specing with gmaul (which isn't to hard) then ye its a lot of fun if you like tick dancing in f2p

  9. I think your clan is Envy but I don't know who you are so I could be wrong but, Envy never did p2p because your member base couldn't comprehend anything past combo eating with pizza and swordies. What they have in place now is fine, only thing that should be added is PCL again.
  10. June 2018, I shall awake from my slumber of lemonade sipping to decimate the pure community gl and god speed

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jail`


      God bless @Thimaah I knew I could count on you

    3. White Kid

      White Kid

      i will close aao again for you master.

    4. Fs Blood
  11. As an Innocent bystander I watched Fs prep Envy over the weekend and I saw no1 in FS die, and saw many envy players die. Thought to win you weren't suppose to die but good tactic envy good tactics

    1. DilL


      Jail y are u defending a clan that made up more than 3/4 of impact :/ 

    2. Fs Blood

      Fs Blood

      omg its jaillll

  12. Probably @Whoppa hes also the worst scout I've ever seen
  13. All these low tier clans that need mains to compete, may I remind you Impact was the first generation Monk robe clan battling freaks in Adamant armor and smashing skulls. #1 Undisputed LPC of its generation to never lose a fight. Man up, wear them robes.

    1. Public Relations Pig
    2. Jail`
    3. Tyendinaga


      my golden helmet accumulates dust, but never fails to shine

  14. ah yes my young grasshoppa rob
  15. @dreamstrider my good pal Rob
  16. This is true, but you had Hassan in your clan, no Hassan clan has ever gave me a run for my monies :). P.S. Impact 2050 coming to a scene near you gl
  17. Not that I care about FS or any other brown sticky stuffter XLPC but my good man, weren't you in a clan called Collision? That I rolf stomped across the wilderness? if so HI!!!
  18. Just wanted to remind you lil fellas in the XLPC category that Impact never lost a fight and will forever be the greatest clan in runescape. You will forever bow down to me and my lemonade. Thanks :}

  19. Join me on the greatest adventure you have ever been on, there will be lemonade, bitches, and all the treasure you could ever imagine. If you feel like you are brave enough...worthy enough to set out on this magnificent journey... message me, only the strong will pass the Trials. May our lord and savior @Jimi bless you along this path. Only the strong will survive.

  20. Literally wake up in the morning, drink a glass of cold lemonade, feed my pet gorilla, and soak in the glory of how Impact was the most dominate LPC of all time.

  21. Chalu, since my return is imminent I will allow you to sin for now, but since I heard on the streets you still get picked last in bball, im gonna have to demote you to all purpose water boy, ok? thanks
  22. My Dream in runescape is to lead a clan with @Ace Krave @Control Pker @Singles Hon0r and Hassan and see who kills themselves first during the first rank meeting to discuss the very bright future of clan "The Impact has Excelled into a great purge are you envious" aka IEPE

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jail`


      Thanks thanks 

    3. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      I have absolutely NO idea why you tagged me in this

    4. Fs Blood

      Fs Blood

      omg its jailllll !!!

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