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Everything posted by Horizon

  1. Redemption wins again! ~ @3atu can't never beat any of the blue clans i've been apart of lmfao Kiss the ring buddy
  2. shitpremacy approached us for a mini and we accepted 2-0, perfected R2 get cummed on losers 6 years of shit @Horizon @Lemonsmy g!
  3. fatality saying get on our level but were completely irrelevant 2015-2018 lmfao
  4. ty 4 update friend!!!!!1
  5. misfit = sukr clan still lo

    some things never change

  6. don't know what you're insinuating but all 3 of those clans were better than any clan you've ever been apart of.
  7. @Moni u idle in everyones teamspeak and expect not to get ddosed l0l

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ace Krave
    3. Jamer


      i agree lets idle in every ts and complain on sharkbrew as an admin when we get ddosed!!

    4. JoJo
  8. why am I reading ur life story? You sound like a new bundle of twigs that just started clanning in 2013 lmfa000 how was I the most active in this rivalry? flaming the hell out of u guys on sharkbrew? l0l0l0l I've been inactive af working 40-50 hour weeks the past 2-3 months (reason why i've sat at elder) try again.
  9. u didn't close brown sticky stuff btw (reason u made this topic) stay lurking on my beautiful forums brah
  10. literally have been clanning more than most people, 10-11 years. u really think i'm gunna join foe? i'm already extremely inactive and work 40-50 hour weeks so the answer is no.
  11. game is dead, clanning in 2k18 ROFL BTW BTW gg, thanks for the fun m8s Misfits forever in our shadows.
  12. Daily/Friendly reminder IR hasn't won a matched fight in the wild in over a year (l0l)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pigwrestler7
    3. Peace seeker

      Peace seeker

      Ir is such dog brown sticky stuff lmfaoooo



    4. bt black son

      bt black son

      don't ir beat on px every weekend on both servers?

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