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Everything posted by Edjez

  1. Damn these xlpcs going crazy
  2. 1-20 def pure Above that is main in my opinion. :3
  3. Anyone wanna setup fight. Connect to Sherwood : https://gyazo.com/4d87850c90c7ca072e14bab118300360

    1. Cody9204


      i didnt think sf could get any more justin beiber than it it already was

    2. Edjez
    3. half of you are delusional
  4. Seen the vid, lots of singles hugging with that pull rip
  5. Special Forces Pulls 30 later peaking 35 for the P2P Officials Was a pretty funny day today. Had some cleanfights and here and there some clusters. SF Vs RD+MF Our first hit was against Redemption. Pretty much both sides had huge clumbs from the start. After pushing them east and north we maintained same opts and then got crashed by Misfits. SF Vs IV We then heard Invictus was ready to fight in Al kharid with same opts. We quickly rushed them and it was a nice clean fight. Sf stayed on top and pushed them into the bank. SF vs DMK/Pink hats We found out where DMK was hiding with some pink hats and cleared them in 0,5 sec. SF Vs CD Rushed CD they ran singles instantly even though they had higher opts lol? SF Vs ENVY/RD/MISFITS Setted up a fight with Envy. Got crashed by Misfits and RD. We teled out and came back to clear RD. SF Vs AAO We then found AAO world at 26 hill. We decided to rush them with same opts. Even though most of the callers died we managed to clear them. Vid:
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