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Status Updates posted by Victory

  1. Who's this orgasms newfag? 

    Proccy had to type paragraphs for months for senior - how long do you think it'll take you?

    Stop cheerleading a clan's leadership where fat K2P steals all of anorexic Jordai's food, it's not a good look!

    1. Andre


      these newgen clanners so starved for attention in fo that they have to spam sharkbrew status updates🤣

    2. orgasms


      ur whole leadership is pming me for off??? no idea whats happening right l0l 

  2. why are slumping clans who ragged pures with mains and denied pure v pure 1v1s now bragging about safe area clanwars? It's because rage fucked them so hard on their anni they won't enter the wilderness.

    Preps are for during the week mate

  3. why orgasms type when he stopped returning a hour in saturday on sunday?

    all this type but when push comes to shove... he logs out!

    1. Boots


      I named him after what I gave his mom the night he was born, its just like naming your kid after a stone; destined to be a stripper!

    2. Htown


      I'm imagining you say this in your cringe little voice and I just can't take you seriously.

  4. why won't fo post a weekend topic all weekend l000000l

    all those lvl 80s in mage dying... yikes!

  5. yo fo if u ever wanna stop doing 'big minis' vs xlpc's and fight the bears you can pm either broxx or jizzle

    or u can fight us in the tournament u signed up for


  6. yo some1 link fo's weekend topics i want a fucking laugh l000000000l

  7. Zenith lost to OG? Mercy told you guys to not fight without apex... idiots man

  8. zenith on fo ts and they still don't have 100 combined!

    keep moving afk's into channel - we see everything!

    1. orgasms


      lmao 0 zenith in our ts try again JAJAJJA

  9. Jordai you're not a real leader, you're just an emotional little brit bong with low self-esteem.

  10. 'August 4th was 2-2' ~ [Fi]Couck. #Salty?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ham


      victory u didnt even play rs till 2014, just stop

    3. Vitality


      ofc it was big broccoli what else is bigger then a fullout????????????????????????????

    4. okay12


      @Vitality, the only one CP's won :/ #10yearsofirrelevance

  11. [21:14:00] im broccolied! [21:14:08] I'm mentally challanged!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Eeekaj


      omg a clans recruiting quick take a screenie to expose them

    3. Kim


      Lol. I guess they shouldn't try to recruit anyone that is not in the pure clan community..yet?

    4. Ram


      u take this game way too seriously.

  12. @Ivp can u do 2008 pure community history, it's been a long time ;(

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. holydreams
    3. Sam
    4. Ivp


      Yup, will get it done before the end of the year hopefully

  13. @xVideos it was fun coming to your prep, thanks for paying me the 500k to attend. Mercenaries for hire

  14. @Don call me if you ever need mains (have two level 100) if doom continue to bring mith. Thanks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cody9204


      was standing east graves watching the rage and ev singles fight and having a laugh when out of nowhere 2 mains in doom capes start camping 2 of our ranks spamming "off we're fs mains" it was very justin beiber

    3. Romnick


      So justin beiber.

    4. Meet Them With Scims
  15. According to CP merk CP are still #1 f2p? Wat????? 'These clans are trying way too hard to take our #1 F2P lmfao.. 30+ mains per clan god bless l0l' lmao..... ye bro cp r defo #1

    1. Jorgito Gutiérrez

      Jorgito Gutiérrez

      eop is trash lmfao you got shat on today r0f even rd did better than u

    2. Erik


      You were CP for ages, you make yourself look like a broccoli

  16. Anybody know what exact times for PCL tomorrow? Just want to confirm.

  17. Can people use there brains and realise 'Corruptpure' is not a CP member/rank? Holy fuck he said we world ddos which is just a laughing point lol. You must be really fucking cauliflower if you actually beleive that isn't a eop/rd/whatever clan troll account.

  18. can some1 tell me why my ava is a zu kid?

    1. mother


      Confirmed leak

    2. Drip red

      Drip red

      nice Ip avatar fgt

  19. corrupt pures broken....... Chain would be dissapointed @H00dz

  20. CP #1 F2P. GF World.

    1. akkord
    2. JoJo


      justin beiber lol

  21. CP 21 minute video, EoP 11 minute video. Let me know when you wanna prep

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