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Everything posted by 0wl

  1. Come to Apex we do everything she doesn't ;) 



    1. Maxx


      its clan-apex.net 


      but yeah we will suck u off 

  2. Some activity will pop of soon a lot of ppl I see miss xlpc I remember your clan back in the day Gl man go for it
  3. Apex trip was 🔥

    Gf Envy🎂

    Glad to hear you boys in Sup got a W at the end of your trip👌


    #SundayP2P #Single'sRun-InAnyone?  #hoot

  4. I assume you boys have EOP Tatted on your face or it ain't gang all slang and some fake chains.
  5. Apex on the rise^


    1. Logic


      Sharks on top whats new :D

  6. SUP is currently 0-6 in F2P prep rounds this week👀🙈


    1. holydreams
    2. Nerdy


      @Mustafa confirm you dumb mutt?

    3. Logic


      0-6 in their own server lmfao must suck to be lead by a mall cop

  7. Just something I'm noticing i check Zybes time to time and main clans are very dead ATM I don't see competition for ROT for a while. This has caused some people to come to the Pure community which has tons more action midweek's and yes even Pure clan return fights are lasting longer then mains. Whats your thoughts on Main clans now? Could any of them pull a CD and become a Pure clan?lolprobnot Side note-Made this topic on my phone fast
  8. I can see why SUP doesn't want to Fight Apex😂🤣😂🤣😂

    #GodKings #1Matched #Pxquality

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Misfits Public Relations
    3. ruxso


      wym apex won't give action to sup even nox said so himself.. 

    4. Down Opts

      Down Opts

      @Aysix because you're bottom tier lmfao you were a lot cooler when u were in Op

  9. Fo should takes notes from Apex📝

    Not throw salt like I'm seeing👀


  10. Apex once again has the belt both servers 🏆🥇😏#1

  11. Don't let this Monday distract you from the fact Apex cleared Sup 70V110 in a singles run-in yesterday😂🤣

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr. French

      Mr. French

      yess from an unbiased pov Apex is indeed superior in p2p quality

    3. roflcats


      yeah dude it for sure looks like there 60 white dots fighting there, for sure avas and accumulator lol!

    4. Singles Trip
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